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The mansion was alive with wonder, excitement, and children's excited cries. As a student teacher at the mansion, you promised Professor X to stay during the holidays to help keep a handle on the kids who couldn't go home. So far though, they were only having fun. Chasing each other around the grounds, ice skating on the pond, decorating each room. Storm had a class earlier this week for everyone to create their own ornaments or garland.

With only two days to go until Christmas, you were rather excited yourself. All the teachers had put their names in for Secret Santa. The students would get each get one gift. Charles put some back from each tuition to cover a gift of decent size. And each year, the children were asked to give a Christmas list. From that list, the teachers picked one gift.

This way, it ensured everyone got something under the tree, and it was usually a pretty magical time. This year, you'd pulled Scott's name for Secret Santa. All you had to do was ask Jean to tell you what he really wanted. It was a piece of cake. He wanted a new bike helmet.

As for your secret Santa, you had no idea who was getting your gift. That was the whole point, but typically, every year, you had a hunch. This year, not so much. Which was absolutely okay.

It was getting a little late, around 10:00 pm. You could hear the kids screaming and running in the halls. Charles usually wouldn't allow this behavior, but classes were out for the holidays, and it was only two days to Christmas, so he let the kids do as they please so long as no one got hurt. As for you, you were in pajamas in your bed, reading. In fact, you were about to go to sleep shortly, until a knock came at your door, then it cracked open.

"Y/N? You awake?" The drawl was unmistakable.

"Yeah, what's up?" you asked, sitting up in the bed. You tried your best to look extra presentable for the charming Cajun. To say you had a soft spot for Remy would be putting it lightly. Being a southern belle yourself, you had instantly fallen for Mr. LeBeau, his accent, his charm, his mutation, and his ultimate compassion.

Remy was an instructor, but he didn't teach classes. He was almost like a tutor. He was more there as a stand in for kids needing to understand their power or working on how to control it. He didn't lecture, or teach History or English or Literature. He didn't have a study plan. He was just a hands on instructor, who wanted to help the kids when they needed it. He was available before classes, during lunch, and after classes. His ability and extent of patience had made you swoon long ago.

"Saw your light was still on. Didn't know if you might be up for gettin' hot chocolate downstairs or maybe goin' down to watch a Christmas movie with me and the kids?"

Just as you were about to contemplate the offers, the lights suddenly went out. Shrieks and cries went all throughout the mansion. Suddenly, Charles voice invaded everyone's mind.

"Everyone remain calm, the storm must've knocked the power out. Please stay in the room you are in right now while Hank and I look at the fuse box."
Remy and you peered at each other for a moment. "Well, you heard the man," he stated as he stepped into your room, a cheeky grin on his face before he shut the door.

"And just what gives you the right to look yourself inside a lady's bedroom at night?" you demanded jokingly.

"Professor said so. He does not want us out roamin' the halls." With that, he grabbed the chair from your desk and pulled it to sit at the end of your bed. "So who did you get for secret santa?"

"I am not tellin' you that," you chastised.

"Why? Is it moi?" he asked, teasing you. "That's the only reason you wouldn't tell me."

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but no, it isn't. The word 'secret' is in the name, Remy. I'm not gonna tell you who I got."

"You take things too seriously," he accused with a grin.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2019 ⏰

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