Act 23: Blood and Tears

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Lord Birch and Margaret had been woken by the commotion that followed Grell's initial arrival and Lilith's distraught sobs. After being informed of Louisa and Raven's departure and their possible destination, Lord birch had sequestered himself in his study. He sat his head in his hands as he contemplated the potential dangers that the pair faced. He had learned from Sebastian that it was his conjuring and binding of him that forbade Sebastian from entering the reaper's realm and standing beside his mate. Tears formed as Lord Birch replayed every turn he had made since his wife's death, each aimed solely at bringing her murders to justice, only each had further endangered others like her. Dragging Sebastian into this mess had only threatened his family and lead to the disappearance of a reaper of at least some importance.

Shouts from the entrance hall roused him from his thoughts. Even from his study, he could tell someone was hurt. As he made his way to the others, he silently prayed to anyone that would listen that it was neither Louisa nor Raven. The sight that greeted him was like nothing he had ever seen before. Blood dripped from the talons, tail, and wingtips of the creature he determined to be Louisa. The other demon form carried a red bundle in his arms, blood dripped from its torso, he could only assume from what he had heard that it was Grell that bled profusely in the arms of Raven.

The two others, whom he could not place, stood behind the demons seemed in little better shape, though they and their weapons dripped blood and sinew across the floor. Lord Birch could only watch, speechless and frozen to the spot as Sebastian raced forward, taking the bundle from Raven.

"He saved my life father; you must save him."

Sebastian nodded, and without a word, he took him to the parlour, closely followed by Raven. Laying Grell on one of the sofas, Sebastian ripped away what was left of Grell's coat and shirt. Underneath lay torn muscles and sinews, fragments of bone and metal glinted in the shattered remains of Grell's ribcage.

"What did this?"

"A death scythe."

"His own?"

"No, the one wielded by the reaper that attacked me. Grell's killed that reaper."

Sebastian looked at his son. The pain in Raven's eyes was all too familiar to him. Sebastian knew from what he had seen already in Grell's chest, that the was about to make it worse.

"A reaper can only be permanently dispatched by his own scythe or by an enchanted weapon."

"Their weapons were enchanted," said Louisa as she entered the parlour, her now human form covered in Margaret's housecoat. She continued, "I felt the power as it hit him. They are stronger even than the one I destroyed. It would seem that the weapons are designed to kill anything, including demons and reapers."

Raven's eyes glowed pink as his anger and fear rose, "what does this mean for Grell, father?"

"It means that he still has a fighting chance, the weapon missed his heart. Had it so much as pierced it or yours, it would have meant death."

Raven threw his arms around his mother, transforming back to his human form. Louisa stroked his hair, "now my son, your father will do all he can to save him and help him heal. We have another task, and I must ask more of both you and your sister."

Sebastian looked up, his hands still working to remove the shards of bone and scythe and sew together the torn fragments of Grell's chest.

"You know where he is?"

"Yes, and given what we have just encountered, you are not going to like where I must take the children next."

Louisa quickly told him of Peter's return to the library and William being sent to the demon realm.

"They may have allies within the realm," cautioned Sebastian.

"Yes, which is why I must make a statement of strength by introducing the twins before it is their time."

Sebastian stood embracing Louisa and Raven, "you have prepared them marvellously, they are as ready now as they would be in a few months when they turn eighteen. But if William is found by those that oppose your father or who have sided with the faction, you must prepare Lilith for the worst."

Louisa nodded and left to talk Lilith. Raven moved over to the sofa where Grell lay. He knelt by Grell's head as Sebastian continued his work. Leaning forward, Raven whispered, "thank you" and placed a kiss on the reaper's forehead before quickly standing and leaving the room. Sebastian raised an eyebrow as Grell's eyelids fluttered before he once again returned to the space between life and death.

Raven reached the hallway to find his mother and sister already in their demon forms. Raven marvelled at how similar he and his sister were even in that form. Lilith's feathered wings and scaly skin mirrored his own. The same green sheen covered her tail and horns. The only difference between them where their facial features. While he had inherited their father's, she had the dragon features of their mother. He retook his true form and stood with them.

There mother's concern was evident even in her demon form, "this journey is dangerous. I would never take you if I thought there was a better way. However, you are both well trained, and we must show strength and unity in the face of our enemies."

"Yes, mother," the twins chorused.

Louisa opened the portal to the demon realm, and the three of them stepped through.

Meanwhile, Sebastian gathered the remainder of the group in the parlour, deeming it safer to have everyone in one space. Margaret worked quickly with Undertaker to create a protection around the house that would, at the very least, give them warning if the reapers were to try to enter the manor, by any means.

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