Act 42: The Hidden Battle

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Margaret paced the floor of the study, her emerald eyes glinting in the dim light. "I should be out there with them."

She turned to face Ciel as he shifted his position against the far wall. Margaret waited, expecting him to say something. When nothing came, she resumed her pacing, only to stop when one of the hounds lifted its head and sniffed the air. She glanced over to Ciel, who moved to the door and nodded as both hounds stood and growled. "They are here," he whispered as he walked back a few steps.

Margaret's eyes widened, and her face paled, "then we must be ready," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

She called for her scythe and moved to the door next to Ciel. Margaret motioned for the hounds to stay. Turning to Lord Birch, she said, "you may wish to close your eyes while Ciel transforms, it may not be pleasant."

"I will take my chances and remain aware, thank you, Margaret." He replied.

Ciel nodded, and Margaret watched as his clothing lost its shape, becoming a thin veil of black fog that swirled around him. Through it, she watched as his blue eyes turned red and his back contorted as grey feathered wings sprouted from between his shoulder blades. His skin shifted, transforming into a pale grey down that covered every inch of him. She watched with fascination as his fingers and toes elongated and his black nails grew and curled into claws. As the transformation completed the fog drew back in, covering him with basic clothing that she had seen on other fully transformed demons that could control matter.

She felt Ciel's eyes on her as she took in his finished form.

"What, Margaret," he said, tilting his head in confusion.

"You look so like Malphas and yet you have no horns."

"All those turned by another demon resemble their makers, I just haven't matured enough for my horns to release yet."

Margaret watched as Ciel's gaze was drawn to Lord Birch. The sudden hunger and desire to feed clear in Ciel's narrowed eyes and growing smirk.

"He is not yours to feast upon," she reminded Ciel.

"I know," he hissed, turning his attention back to the door, "but the desire is much harder to control in this form."

Lord Birch shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his throat visibly tightening as he struggled to control his fear. Margaret opened her mouth to offer some word of comfort when the sound of footsteps approaching the door caught her attention. It was reapers, she knew it was them, she could sense them, almost smell them. Her mind raced with thoughts, if they had made it through to the manor, then what had become of those she loved out in the gardens.

The door burst open as she heard Louisa's voice lift and roar above the cacophony of noise coming from the garden. She had no time to contemplate its meaning as the lead reaper ran through the now open door, swinging his scythe. She ducked and pushed back quickly, narrowly avoiding the blade as Ciel's claws appeared at the edge of her vision and severed the reaper's arm from his body. Without stopping, he swooped down and snatched up the limb, still holding its scythe, and sliced through the reaper's neck before he could react.

Several more poured in behind, oblivious to the fate of their compatriot. Margaret lifted her own scythe fending off a blow from a second reaper. She saw Ciel move to the other side of her trying to block their entry any further into the room. Margaret saw the scythe coming for her again and moved to block, almost knowing that she was too late. Margaret cursed her lack of focus. The demon hound bounded from her right side, snarling as it leapt in front of her, pushed the reaper back and taking the blow from the weapon. Its howls were enough to bring her back to her senses. She struck the unsteady reaper, catching him full in the chest and sending him to the ground. The second swing of her weapon slid his scythe far from his reach.

Blood splattered her face as she fended a blow from a third assailant. Growls filled her ears as Ciel tore into flesh and ripped the limbs from the owner's body. Margaret glanced up, there were still three, no four, reapers behind the ones they fought. A cry of pain emanated from Ciel, and she heard him land heavily on the ground beside her. As he fell, a new presence took his place. Without taking her eyes off the reaper she locked scythes with, she shouted, "you should not be there, get back."

"I will not allow either of you to die while I cower in the corner," shouted Lord Birch, ramming the end of a fire poker into the eye of the reaper that had felled Ciel. The second hound took its chance as the reaper screamed. It pounced, knocked the reaper to the floor and fell upon its throat. Lord Birch bent to drag Ciel's limp form free of the felled reaper. Margaret screamed the warning as Lord birch turned his back, but the scythe had already been thrown.

The reaper facing Margaret smirked. She saw nothing but bloodlust in its eyes, believing her to be easy prey now that she stood alone. He advanced on her as she stepped back further into the room. The remaining hound leapt between them but was despatched quickly. The reaper laughed as Margaret struggled to raise her scythe, her arms burned with the effort. Tears welled as she swung, trying to push him back. As his scythe came down, she screamed Undertaker's name, believing the day lost. The blow never came. When she opened her eyes, the reaper stood motionless, arms raised ready to strike, his hand slowly opening as his body released his soul. Margaret refocused her tired eyes, a sword tip protruded from his chest. As his scythe fell, his body began to crumble to the ground, and the sword was withdrawn. Behind the now prone figure stood a blood-drenched Louisa.

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