★Chapter 14★

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*Diego's P.O.V.*

I wake up to a doorbell ringing. I open my eyes and look at Fran. She's still sleeping, her head on my chest and her hands around my body in embrace. I smile. The doorbell rings again, so I carefully slip from Fran's embrace and go to the door to see who it is.

I realize too late that it's not my house and I shouldn't be the one opening the door..

Maxi stands in the door and when he sees me, he looks shocked.

Maxi: "Diego? What are you doing at Fran's house? It's 7:30 a.m...how did you..wait! Did you sleep here? What the hell is going on here?!"

Shit. Well..this wasn't planed..

Diego: "Uhm..I..look..well.."

Maxi: "Fran..?"

He's looking behind me so I turn and see Fran standing there, still in her pyjamas.

Fran: "Maxi..I can explain.."

Maxi: "Explain what?! That you were lying to me the whole time?! How could you not tell me? I'm your best friend! Do you have any idea how Cami will be hurt when she'll find out?"

Fran: "Uhm..actually..Cami knows..she's kind of helped us get together.."

Maxi: "Are you serious? You can't be serious? So she's lying to me too!"

Fran: "Look..it's not like that.. I can't tell anyone before I'll tell Violetta. Maxi, she can't find out! I have to tell her myself! Promise me you won't tell her! Please?"

Maxi: "You're unbelievable! You want me to cover for you? To lie too? No way! I'm not going to lie to my friends! "

Diego: "Maxi, please..."

Maxi: "Nobody's talking to you, Diego! How can you date him, Francesca?! After what he did to Violetta?! She's your best friend! How could you do that to her?! I can't believe you! You are a terrible person and even worse friend! And don't expect me to talk to you or even cover for you!"

Diego: "Hey, hey! Stop it! Don't talk to her like that! She's definitely not as terrible as you are, if you can't accept or understand that she's happy! Now go away and come back when you are not angry anymore, understand?"

I slam the door in front his face and turn to Fran. She's sitting on the floor, staring at nothing.

Diego: "Love..are you okay?"

Fran: "He's right.." she whispers

Diego: "What?"

Fran: "He's right. I really am a terrible person and friend."

Diego: "Fran, stop it! You know this isn't true. You're the best friend anyone could ask for. You want only the best for everyone. Look, I understand why you haven't told Violetta yet, okay? And that's all that matters. He said it because he was angry anyway...he didn't mean it. You'll see.."

She look up to my eyes and one tear falls from her eye. I wipe it with my thumb and put my hand on her face.

Diego: "Hey, look at me..please don't cry.. it makes me sad.."

I hug her and she starts sobbing into my shoulder.

Diego: "Shh..it's okay.."

I hold her the whole time,  until she calms down.

Fran: "I love you so much" she whispers and I get a warm feeling around my heart.

Diego: "I love you more..now go back to bed, I'm going to make some breakfast and come back to you, okay?"

Fran: "Anything for you.."

I kiss her forehead and go make the breakfast.

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