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Koujaku and Aoba were friends before they accepted me in too. Koujaku took the role of our "protector" you could say. He made sure we weren't being picked on, mostly because of our looks. Aoba was often portrayed as a girl due to his abnormally long, blue hair. I never actually understood the true reason why I was made fun of. I always just figured it was because of my mint, blue, and purple ombred hair. Either way, we were both insecure about our appearances, but Koujaku always gave us confidence.

I didn't want or need any other friendships besides the one I shared with them. None of the girls that lived in my neighborhood liked me anyway. They ignored me and I'm sure they thought I was strange. It wasn't a big deal to me, though. At least, I didn't think it was. Part of me knows that deep down it hurt, but I wouldn't let it get to me. I would just shove it away and smile. Smile was my cure for sadness.

As we walked, Aoba talked on happily and I grinned. He was always so happy and it made me happy too just watching him. I loved seeing him in such a cheerful mood.

"How's Ren doing?" I asked him. Ren was Aoba's AllMate. A dark blue pomeranian with a extra deep voice.He loved him as much as I attached to Ame. We've both had them for the about the same amount of time I believe too.

"He's great. No bugs, or viruses. All normal and software up to date." He replied. We neared Koujaku's hair shop, turning the corning onto the next street over from where we both live. He makes a living as a hairdresser, which gives him an advantage when it comes to attracting woman. Aoba calls him a "woman hogger" and Koujaku never objects. I think he actually takes pride in his love abilities.

"Oii! Aoba, Bee-chan!" Koujaku called from the front entrance of the shop.

He was in his normal attire: shirtless with a red kimono covering almost all of the skin showing, black pants and sandals. His dark navy hair was pulled back as usual.

We reached the door and Koujaku stepped aside to let us in. There were a few chairs against the wall so we unfolded and sat in them. I sat closest to the window, where Koujaku's AllMate, Beni, was perched. He was a small red sparrow with an...attitude.

"Gah! Can you sit down any closer?! God." He squawked at me, flapping his tiny wings. Koujaku sighed loudly and I laughed a little at the scene.

"Now, Beni, come on. It's only Bee-chan. Be nice." He scolded. Beni grumbled and turned back around to the window. Aoba and I laughed before we resumed a normal conversation.

"So Aoba, how's about we cut your hair? You know I've been dying to do it." Koujaku asked with a pleading tone.

"Eehh?! No, no, how many times do I have to tell you? And why is that question only directed at me? Bee's hair is two-times longer than mine is." Aoba argued, his face red with embarassment.

I couldn't lie. My hair was longer than both of their hair lengths combined

Koujaku playfully tugged on Aoba's hair and he swatted his hand away. They enventually ended up on the floor with Koujaku tickling Aoba to the point of tears he was laughing so hard. The whole scene was quite amusing and I couldn't help but crack-up laughing.


"Are you sure you don't need one of us to walk you home?" Koujaku questioned me before I walked outside to leave.

"Yeah, you shouldn't really be walking alone at this time of night," Aoba added. I shook my head at them.

  "You two worry too much. I'll be fine." I folded my arms together, letting out a sigh. They both shrugged and waved me out the door. I walked out into the nighttime. My Coil glowed within the darkness, reading 11:35pm. I bet Mom's wondering where the hell I am. Its easy to lose track of time when you hang out with Koujaku and Aoba all the time.

  I remembered that there was a shortcut to my house down an alleyway. It would cut down my walking time by half, so I turned right off the lit sidewalk and into the narrow alley. The temperature changed for some reason and I shivered. Even the huge sweatshirt I was wearing didn't suffice.

  "Behame Mizuno," A voice behind me echoed against the brick walls on either side of the passageway. I suddenly stopped, my heartbeat becoming faster and faster. How did this person know my name? Especially, my full one?

  "W-who are you? How do you know what my name is?" I tried to keep my voice from shaking, but I stuttered anyway. I also refused to turn around, scared of what I would face.

  "Does that really matter?" It spoke again. I could feel my blood running cold and my head was pounding. 'I should run. What am I still standing here for?'  I thought. My legs started moving before I could tell them too and I began to run, but a icy-cold hand gripped my wrist.


Hah don't you just love cliffhangers?~

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2014 ⏰

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