The beginning

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Chapter One
The Beginning

The sun rises in the east shining it's rays on a structure. The rays settled on a figure sleeping peacefully in her covers. Wisps of golden strands liked spun gold slipped out from the blankets. The figure shifted reveling a teenage girl. A groan made it's way through her lips as she rubbed her eyes.
Slipping to sit up on the bed so she could stretch, showing her sleek figure. Popping open her eyes, she looked around. Her eyes were as blue as the ice of a lake in the winter. This girl was in store to see many great things and her name was Elaine luvinia.

"Good morning miss. How are you this morning?", one of the maids kindly asked the girl.

"Oh good morning. i feel fine thank you!", Elaine smiled at her.

"Princess, the king wishes to see you when you are dressed and ready", the maid informs.

"Alright, I'll be down in a minute", the girl dismissed the maid as she proceeded off her bed.

"Yes your highness. I'll let him know right away.", she bows before exiting the room.

Elanie walked to her closet to grab appropraite clothes for today. She decides a long and pink dress. The dress was a pale pink with a gold triming at the bottom. A gold ribbon settled around her waist. Quickly putting her hair in a half up do with a gold and blue pendent resting on top. Elaine headed out and down the winding hallways.

The throne room had two thrones nestled on a platform a few feet up. The one on the left thats been unoccipied for years and her father's on the right. Sitting on the right was a man well in his forties. Dressed in a red robe with blue lining. A golden crown rested on his head. Emerald jewls sparking in the suns rays. His eyes never leaving her since she stepped into his sight.

"Good moring my dear", the king said with a big grin.

"Hello father. I was told you called for me?"

"Ah yes I did."

"May i ask what for?"

"called you here to talk about your future."

"My future?"

Elaine had looked at him in confustion. She couldn't think of anything he would want to disscuss and why wait untill now?

"Yes your future, since your my only heir in line for the throne. You will need someone to rule with you. Someone that will be king along his queen, you."
This came as a shock to Elaine. She knew this was coming but it still did not hender the shock through the news. She didn't want to marry a stranger, a stanger she didn't even love. Elaine wanted love, true love, but in this life it would be practailly impossible. She always dreamed of the way she would meet the one. How they would love each other unconditionly. She did not want to be pressured or forced into marraige with a prince of some far away kingdom she didn't even know lick about. She looked at her feet then back up to father after a few moments lost in thought.

"But father..I"

"Don't but me! it's already been decided. You WILL get married before your
nineteenth birthday and thats final!"

"Yes father"

Elaine's heart felt like lead, heavy and unmoving, like it had stopped working. She felt the tears build up behind her eyes but she refused to let them fall. It was a unspoken rule to not cry in the king's presense wether you were his daughter or not and she refused to be seen as weak. Just like the saying,

'Whatever the king says goes'. She would have to stay true to that.

"Now that we are on the same page, I want you to look through all these files. These files will contain all the eligible suitors. The maids and butlers will be getting everything ready for you to look over and if you have any questions just ask them.", The king stood from his throne and slowly walked down to his upset daughter.

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