Welcoming party

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The vehicle drifted around the bend rapidly centimetres away from swerving off the edge, and crashing below in the tangle of trees and weeds. the moon danced off the sleek black metal as it careered through the darkest night, flashes of shining black metallic was all that could be seen, amongst the brightness of those searching headlights and the lulling glow of the moon. The driver sat in silence, his hands gripped to his steering wheel as if he clung on for life, his meaty fists were clenched under black gloves, speckled here and there with splashes of blood. The wrought iron gates of Arkham Asylum, stood out in the distance, the fences towered to the height of trees, the wires atop sparked fiercely, reminding anyone that the asylum was impenetrable. The lights shone down on the vehicle from the four watch tours positioned around the yard. Gotham's commissioner James Gordon, stood atop the stairs leading to the entrance of the infirmary, beside him the warden himself stood, Quincy sharp. He was a serious man standing at 5ft8 in a deep navy suit and maroon tie, he squinted past his thick rimmed glasses into the yard, a dozen Arkham guards stood behind the two of them, focused on the black tank of a vehicle that was penetrating its way through the darkness of night. They all knew it'd meant one thing, batman had succeeded.

James Gordon burst through the front doors of arkham asylums's administration entrance, the wind sending his trench coat flying backwards like a cape. He trudged down the large cement steps, guards and swat teams trailing after him, guns all focused on the black vehicle that drove through the gates. James adjusted his glasses, drops of rain pelting down on all of them as they made their way towards the vehicle, towards the knight.
The cutting of the engine filled the yards of the asylum with an uneasy silence, the lights in the watchtowers all fixed on that great black tank.
"Stand down!" James shouted, his voice ringing through the yard.
Quincy sharp stood beside James, exchanging an uneasy look, with the commissioner, why Gordon put all his trust in a caped maniac was beyond his comprehension, but he couldn't deny, that night he was relieved to see the batman standing Infront of him.
The batman slowly pulled himself out of the car, blood still seeping from the large slash across his shoulder, he was silent as he made his way to the rear of the bat mobile. "Commissioner" was all he said, his voice dark and tense, he glanced over the swat team and various guards before swinging open the trunk, "is that really him?" The warden stepped forward, searching the dark nights covered face, his expressions giving away nothing, Gordon nodded, swiping at a line of sweat that was beginning to form over his brows. Quincy swallowed hard, reaching for his walkie talkie, "bring the restraints." He barked into it, static was all that followed until a voice answered back "yes sir" he shoved the walkie talkie back into his pocket, slowly walking towards the trunk of the monstrous black beast. "He put up a hell of a fight" batman explained, Quincy and Gordon glanced at each other, and then back to the unconscious body that was occupying the trunk. It was quite a sight to be sure, the thin figure dressed in that ghastly purple pinstriped suit, curled up in foetal position, his hair clinging to his face, painted in white and red and black, a sickly looking clown, he was horrifying to look at.
Two nurses pushed through the commotion, pushing Infront of them a large metal framed restraint, they stopped beside the car, awaiting the warden's orders anxiously. "When you're ready" he moved toward the crowd, ordering the guardsmen back to their posts, excepting 3.
Batman heaved the body effortlessly from the trunk, the nurses fastening the binds on the body as he positioned him in the restraint.

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