Hello! My name is elly!Here are some things about me
- 04 liner
- high schooler
- likes kpop and anime
- demiromactic biromantic asexual
- elly is a nickname for my real name so
- favorite subject in school is Science
- I write in my free time
- I used to write a ton of fanfiction than realized that making my own books were better suited for me
- if you do want to see some of my older books than don't hesitate to ask!
- I dance
- into marvel and star wars
- a huge weeb
- if I learn Japanese I'll definitely become a maid in a maid cafe
- i can speak in English, Spanish, sign language and a tiny bit of French
- learning Japanese, Korean and German
- I want to become a criminal Psychologist
- I write horror , science fiction and fantasy
Here are some of my works
I hope you enjoy my writing and other things I do here !