New job, old troubles

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Kira has always lived a life in peace with only her thoughts to keep her company and she could knew too much to want to get close to anyone. Her heart was still numb after her elder sister died in her arms many years before but when she accepted her job she felt different. The moment she step into the Cross Academy grounds her instincts were set anew as if a piece of her had been awakened. She walked across the stone steps up to the office and knocked but was immediately attacked by a hug.

(Headmaster) " It's been a long time Bells.. I'm glad you accepted my offer"

Kira looked around the room after he released his hug and sighed in relief. She knew Kaien Cross when she was a young girl however she still keeps a  few secrets that even she never told him. Cross smiled as she spoke in her usual confident tone.

(Kira) " Well..Cross I mean Headmaster I'm also trained in many professions as you can see"

(Headmaster) " This is the perfect place to have privacy"

(Kira) " I'm glad you understand..Headmaster"

Kira turned to leave but stopped when Cross put a hand on her shoulder and spoke in a more concerned tone.

(Headmaster) " Bells..don't overwhelmed yourself can relax here"

Cross had always known Kira as Isabella the orphaned girl who was beyond tense when it come too social interaction. Kira used her fame as an idol to disguise her true nature as a born assassin. She was truly skill from the age of seven and only she knew the reason. She was the reborn ancestor of the Kiryu family but also the most dangerous person to get close to. She learned to adapt but overtime her family branded her a black sheep shunning her for centuries. However before Zero's parents  had their twin sons they called Kira to reborn and the spell was incomplete. Kira was reborn but in a different part of the country and she didn't make it to save the last of her kin. She thought they all perish but her heart still had hope for some surviving member.

She had been searching furiously for the past four years until she felt a  need to reconnect with her Master Cross. Cross doesn't know all her secrets but he trusts to protect what's important. Cross however isn't an idiot because he has a feeling Zero and Isabella are connected in something way and it has nothing to do with appearance alone.

Kira greeted Yuki and unexpectedly bumped into Zero who had the most strange expression of sadness.

(Zero) " W-who....are you?"

(Kira) " I'm the new librarian nice to meet you Zero?"

(Zero) " How do you know my name?"

(Kira) " Lucky guess..or perhaps it's because Yuki described you quite well"

(Zero) " Geez..that airhead..hah..what's your name Miss?"

(Kira) " I'm Isabella..but most call me Bella"

Zero got closer and now only did they look similar but they way they spoke was more in sync. Kira held her hand out in greeting and the moment their hands touched a little zap of blue light beamed. Zero had a confused look on his face but Kira just smiled then walked away saying something with her back turned.

(Kira) " If you feel bored or a need to get away from it all..I don't mind company at the library"

(Zero) " Huh...wait what was that?...."

Zero didn't even run after her to ask more questions and instead looked at his hand in wonder feel a familiarity with the tall woman.

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