Chapter 1

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Skye's P.O.V.

"Skye! Faith is here to see you" I heard my mom yell from downstairs

"Coming mom" I yelled back grabbing my hoodie putting it on before walking downstairs

"Hey Skye, ready to go?" Faith asked as I came down the stairs

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow mom" I said kissing my moms cheek before slipping on my shoes and grabbing my back pack

"Here's some extra money for this afternoon, remember to get Faith's mom to call me once you get to hers please" My mom said giving me the look to make sure I didn't spill about what goes on at home

"Thanks mom, tell dad I said bye too" I said keeping up the act knowing Faith was here before following Faith out of the house.

"So are you excited for the concert tomorrow night?" Faith asked as we began the short walk to her house

"Yeah, we've been wanting to see them for ages, I'm glad your mom said she'd take us to it" I replied smiling at the thought of meeting my idols tomorrow night not knowing that night could change my life

"It sure took a lot to convince your parents to let you come mom said. They never used to be so hard to convince what changed Skye?" Faith asked curiously

"I'm not sure to be honest with you, I guess they are just becoming over protective about me going places without them" I lied feeling bad as Faith had been my best friend since we started kindergarten

Lynne's P.O.V.

"Hey girls, since your show isn't till tomorrow, I thought we could go shopping at the local mall?" I suggested as I entered the hotel room the girls were in

"Yeah mom that would be great, I love exploring the places we visit" Dani replies and the other girls besides Katherine agreed to

"Are you okay Katherine?" Christina asked looking at her younger sister

"Yeah..I'm okay I don't know why I just feel like somethings going to happen this week..I can't stop thinking about Skye.." Katherine replied

"It's alright Kath, me and your father haven't given up our search one day she'll be back home where she belongs. Don't lose hope girls. We will do our best to find her, I know it's been 9 years but she's out there somewhere" I replied sadly hoping to keep hope alive that my youngest child would be found safe and well

"Come on, let's go have some fun alright? Moms right Skye will be found. Skye would want us to all be happy" Lisa said agreeing with her mom but she to deep down had been losing hope about finding her youngest sibling

I watched as my daughters got ready to leave then followed them out of the hotel room

Faith's P.O.V.

"Hey mom, Skye's mom asked if you can call her so she's knows we got back okay" I said to my mom as we entered my house and were greeted by my mom

"Okay honey, I'll go do that now. Why don't your girls head on upstairs and let Skye drop off her bag in your room then we can organise something fun to do?" My mom replied

"Thank you Mrs Roberts" Skye said smiling before she followed me upstairs

"Maybe if it's okay with my mom we could go the mall and get a gift to give the girls at the meet and greet tomorrow night?" I suggested looking at Skye as she placed her bag down beside my bed once we entered into my room

"That sounds good Faith, hopefully your mom says yes" Skye agreed before sitting down on the edge of my bed

"Alright you wait here, I'll quickly go down and ask her as she should be calling your mom soon" I replied watching Skye get comfy on my bed before I headed back downstairs

"Hi Mrs Williams..yes they arrived just fine..yes I'll see you on Monday when I drop Skye back off...again thank you for letting her stay this weekend...okay bye now.." I heard my mom talking on the phone before the call ended

"Hi baby girl, where's Skye? Did you girls have anything in mind that you both would like to do today?" My mom asked

"We were wondering if you could drop us off at the mall for a little bit, we'd like to get a gift to give the girls at the meet and greet if alright?" I asked looking up at my mom hoping she would say yes

"That's a great idea, if you girls are ready to go now I'll meet you in the car and we can grab lunch while we are out" My mom replied smiling as she went to grab her hand bag

I nodded before leaving the kitchen and running up the stairs to my bedroom "Mom said yes, she's going to take us to the mall just now if okay with you?" I asked looking towards Skye who was going through her backpack

"Yeah that's fine with me" Skye replied grabbing her purse putting it in her hoodie pocket

~time skip to the mall~

Skye's P.O.V.

"Alright girls, text me once you girls are finished here and I'll come collect you" Faith's mom said as she dropped us off at the mall

"Okay mom, see you in a few hours" Faith replied

"So what store should we go to first?" I asked looking at Faith

"Hmm, well I was thinking we could get materials to make the friendship bracelets and some charms? Make one for each of the girls and one for us too" Faith suggested

I nodded "that sounds really nice, get an initial charm for each plus maybe some music related charms if we can find any?" I added

"Perfect" Faith said before leading me towards the craft store

"Thanks again for inviting me this weekend really means a lot to get a break from home" I said honestly

"Is there something going on at home Skye..? You get really down looking when ever your home or parents are mentioned. I've noticed the fake smiles.." Faith said giving me the look

"No everything's fine at home I promise, I guess I've just been stressed lately for some reason..I just feel like somethings going to happen soon" I said half lying half telling the truth

"Promise?" Faith asked as she picked up a basket as we walked around the store

"I promise" I replied mentally cursing in my head knowing it was a promise I couldn't keep as I couldn't tell her the truth

"Okay, so what colours should we make the bracelets? Maybe get a variety so each bracelet can be a different colour?" Faith suggested as we stared at all the threads available that would work for the bracelets

"Yeah that's a good idea, one can be blue, one pink and so on" I said as we picked out 8 different coloured threads and put them into the basket

"Alright now let's find some nice initial charms and other cute charms" Faith said smiling as we continued looking down the aisle

"Here we go, these are pretty" I said picking up a pack of alphabet charms and then glancing around seeing some music note charms to and picked them up putting them into the basket

"Those are perfect, I believe that's all we need here so let's go pay then we can go to any store we'd like" Faith said as she started heading towards the checkout

"How about Bath & Body works next?" I asked as I handed over the cash to pay for the items we needed

"Yeah, sounds good to me, then we can go get some lunch" Faith said as we began to walk out of the store after paying for the items

"So do you think they will like the gifts once they are made?" I asked nervously glancing down at the ground as we walked

"I bet they will love them" Faith said as I glanced at her before bumping into someone

"..oh...I'm sorry..I wasn't paying attention.." I said glancing up to see two brown eyes staring at me confused

Author Note ~ sorry for the cliffhanger..

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