Chapter 4

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*sorry for the delay in uploading this chapter. Had severe writers block. Next chapter has been started and should hopefully be finished soon. And sorry for the cliffhanger at the end*

Doctor Wilson's P.O.V.

I knocked on the door before entering room 105 "Hello, I'm doctor Wilson, I'll be taking over Skye's case while she is here and passing any information over to the police" I said introducing myself

"Hi Doctor Wilson, could I speak to you privately if possible?" Lynne asked before letting go of Skye's hand

"Yes let's step outside" I said leading the brown haired women outside

"I believe Skye could be my missing daughter, would it be possible to draw some blood and compare me and her dna fragments?" Lynne asked

"Yes we can get you and her blood drawn, if more than 60% of the fragments match then she is your biological daughter" I said "if you follow me I'll take you to one of the nurses to have your blood drawn and I'll get a nurse to take Skye's too" I added

"Thank you, it means a lot" Lynne replied smiling small before following me

"Rachael can you take a blood sample for me, the young girl that was brought in could possibly be this women's biological missing daughter" I asked before leaving Lynne in Rachael's hands

"Alright if you just sit on the bed and I'll get the needle etc ready" I heard Rachael say as I walked away

"Tracy, can you arrange a blood sample from Skye Rose in room 105 please for a dna test, thank you" I said to one of the nurses at the ward reception desk

Skye's P.O.V.

I slowly reopened my eyes seeing multiple people in the room and look down

"Hey Skye, how you feeling?" Dani asked

"I'm okay.." I replied slowly glancing up

"Hi Skye, Doctor Wilson wants me to take some blood samples, let's get you sitting up and then we will start" A nurse said as she entered the room coming over to me and helped me sit up

I sat up prepped against the back of the bed handing over my right arm as she put the tourniquet on the top of my arm before cleaning the area where the needle would go

"It will feel like a little scratch, are you ready?" Tracy asked

I nodded before feeling the needle being inserted and watched as the blood entered the vial

"Thank you, I'll get these passed onto the lab" Tracy said putting a cotton ball over the hole where the needle was and secured it with medical tape before taking the 3 vials of my blood away

"Mrs Roberts, do you know when I can leave?" I asked looking at her avoiding the stares from the Cimorelli sisters

"I'm not sure just yet I think they will want to keep you in overnight to make sure your doing okay, once doctor Wilson comes back I'll ask him" Mary replied

"Are you hungry Skye?" Katherine asked

" not really..still full from lunch.." I replied

"Skye you need to eat..the doctors will find out if you don't.." Faith said looking at me concerned

"Fine.." I said sighing knowing she wouldn't drop the topic

"I'm sorry Skye I just don't want you going back the've been fighting hard against your eating disorder..your doing so well.." Faith said quietly and then the staring began again when those worlds left her mouth

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2020 ⏰

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