Chapter 15

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This is the final chapter.  Thank you to everyone that took the time to read, vote, and/or comment.  Keep your eye out for my next story called One Party, One Bet.  If it sounds interesting please check it out, I appreciate all the support.  Enjoy the final chapter.

Brett and Megan are enemies and have been since the first day of freshman year, they are now seniors. Brett is a nerd but is best friends with the quarterback. Brett is also a player. Megan is head cheerleader and queen bee of the school. One party and one bet changes everything.

I push Emily's hands away from me as she keeps fixing my gown. "Em its fine" I say, "You have been at this for the last fifteen minutes. You already made sure I look perfect and if we don't leave now, we are both going to be late." "Ok" Emily says, "One last thing before we leave." "What" I ask. Emily pulls out her phone and says, "Smile." I groan but smile anyways, the last thing I want to do is upset her since she is very hormonal.

Emily is a little over eight months pregnant with twins and that's all we know. We decided to wait til birth to learn the gender of the babies. Once I found out that Emily was pregnant, we talked about what the future holds for us. We decided to move into Emily's house since it was bigger than my place. I am currently working on expanding my shop and helping Emily get the bedroom ready for the babies.

The twins are going to be born next month, so we are planning to get married a few months after that. Emily's family, especially her mom is excited about the wedding and the twins. They found out a few months ago that I was still in high school. At first they weren't very happy about that little fact, but after we explained they still weren't exactly happy but understood where we were coming from.

Troy and Chelsea are still together and going strong. Chelsea is going out of state to college on a cheerleading scholarship. Troy is staying in state to go to college and is going to work part time at my car shop. They have decided to try long distance. Ozzy asked Lacy to the winter dance and she said yes. Since then they have been hanging out a lot. I don't think they are dating, but I don't think they are just friends either. Lacy is also going out of state to college on a cheerleading scholarship. Her and Chelsea are attending the same college. Ozzy's taking a year off from school to figure out what he wants to do with his life and is going to be working full time for me.

"Come on Em" I say, "We have to go." I walk with Emily to her twin brother's car and help her get in. I give her a quick kiss, "See you in a bit." Emily and Axel drive off to Greymont Academy. I get into my car and drive to Greymont Academy. When I arrive, I jump out and sprint to the gym where all the seniors are to meet. "Cutting it close" the principal says as I run in. "Sorry sir" I say and check in. Once I'm checked in, I walk over to Ozzy, Troy, Chelsea, and Lacy. "Hey" I say. "Get a little distracted I see" Ozzy says. "It's not like that" I say rolling my eyes.

"Sure Ashton" Chelsea says. "It wasn't" I say, "Emily took forever making sure I looked perfect and then took a billion pictures." "We made it guys" Troy says changing the subject. "I'm surprised you and Ozzy made it" Lacy says. "Rude" Ozzy says. "Hey" Troy says. "Can you guys believe in a little over an hour we will be high school graduates" Chelsea asks. "It's almost time seniors" the principal says, "Line up." "Looks like its time guys" I say. We all get in line and wait for our que.

The next hour is a blur. I remember feeling excited and nervous, excited because I made it and was about to graduate and nervous because I was about to start the next chapter of my life. I remember walking out of the gym and hearing the crowd cheering on whoever they came to support. A video that the seniors made to commemorate the last four years, all the speeches, and awards given. Lacy's name being called, then Chelsea's, Troy's, my name, and finally Ozzy's name being called. Friends and family going crazy when we are called. And the moment that everyone was waiting for. "May I present to you the Greymont class of twenty-nineteen" the principal says. Everyone throws their caps in the air as the crowd cheers.

After we all meet up and finish taking pictures, we all head to Emily's parent's house to celebrate. In the middle of eating cake and celebrating, Emily grabs my arm. I look over and ask, "You ok Em?" "It's time" Emily says. My eyes go wide as I pick up Emily bridal style and carry her to my car. I drive as quickly and safely to the hospital. I check Emily in and get her settled in and then step out of the room. I call Emily's parents and tell them I'll call them as soon as Emily gives birth.

After ten hours, much cursing, Emily calling me every name she can think of, and almost breaking my hand, the babies are born. "You were amazing" I say kissing her forehead, "I'm gonna go let everyone know." Emily nods as she starts to fall asleep. I walk out of the room and call Emily's parents letting them know. Everyone arrives twenty minutes later. "I would like to introduce you guys too Watson Red" I say handing Emily's mom Watson. "This is Julian Red" I say handing Julian to Emily's dad.

"Astrid Red" I say, "The surprise baby." I hand Astrid to Lacy. "You had triplets" Troy exclaims. "Be quiet" I say, "Emily is asleep." "Sorry" Troy says. "Hey guys" Emily says. Chelsea slaps the back of Troy's head. "Good going" Chelsea says. "I said sorry" Troy says. "I need a picture Emily's mom says. I hand Astrid to Emily and I hold Watson and Julian. Emily's mom starts taking pictures. "I love you" I whisper. "I love you too" Emily whispers.

I officially have a family and I am going to be marrying my dream girl in a few months. I can't wait to see what the future holds for us.

Thanks for reading.  Thanks for all the support.  If One Party, One Bet sounds interesting make sure to check it out when it comes out.  What did you think?  As always votes and comments are appreciated.

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