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  Zoey pursed her lips, she was shaking visibly with her hair drawing a curtain over her face. I hadn't known if the shaking was from anger or sadness but I was betting on both. I was standing on one side of the bed, the one nearest to the bathroom, while she was standing across the bed from me.
       "Zoey,-" I started frowning before she interrupted me,
    "Don't. Just-" She said avoiding eye contact before saying quiet,
     "Get out." Whether she meant the bedroom or her family's beach house, my body didn't move an inch but my face fell. It had been a stupid argument that had gotten so out of hand that she was telling me to get out? We hadn't even survived three months together, only two. When she noticed I hadn't left , her head whipped upwards and made eye contact with me. She had tears stained down her face, wanting nothing more than to go and wipe her tears and hold her.
     "I said, get out Colin." She said with much more fury than I would of thought she would. I hadn't screwed up that bad had I? I ducked my head and clenched my jaw, willing myself not get upset in front of her and grabbed my keys to the jeep off the dresser. Stopping at the door, I looked back at her waiting for something. Waiting for her to stop me, to take the keys away, to say don't go, I was just waiting for something but in the end waited for nothing.
   I swallowed hard against my dry throat as I walked out, slamming the doors on my way out. I sat in the car, gripping the grey steering wheel tightly I turned my head when I heard a scratching noise to see the one and only Sparkle, Zoey's cat. Sparkle looked at me questioningly and I opened the passenger door for. him to get out, he looked out the door before looking back at me. He hadn't moved his orange fat body at all except to get into a more comfortable position. I sighed before shutting the door and muttering,
       "Your stuck with me til Kyle picks you up."
     As I started the car,  I could hear questions being asked inside the house and made eye contact with Aaron accidently. I hadn't meant to but in a way I'd told him everything. I backed out of the driveway, not even looking behind me. I looked back before grittung my teeth and only staring a head as I drove towards the interstate with a questioning cat, not minding the company. And that's how I lost her four years ago.

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