1. Kyle's Pep Talk

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   "If you like Aaron, why don't you just tell him?" I asked frowning as I take a bite of my banana, not understanding Kyle.

   "God, you sound like Zoey." Kyle said with a groan as he hit his head on something, the noise echoing through the phone. I paused eating to think about what he just said. Four years and she can still make me crazy, I thought to myself

     "How is your sister?" I asked quietly but curiously, taking on a serious atmosphere suddenly as I stare at the wall remembering her, more like remembering us.

       "One date, Zoey. Just one date." I asked, grinning as I glanced over at Zoey. She was biting her lip with her wavy dirty blonde hair hitting her against the face and looking out the window of the jeep as if the scenery of the waves and sand would give her the answer.
      "Is my brother going to know about this 'just one date'?" She teased with a smile spreading across her pink lips. That question had made me shift in my seat uncomfortably, I didn't like hiding things from Kyle but I knew he'd never allow me to even take Zoey on one date. Which would hopefully lead to tons of others, I thought to myself before replying.
     "Well no but we both know that he'd kill me if he found out. " I stated hurriedly trying to make the situation seem better, as I drove. She nodded in agreement as she sighed, knowing her brother was highly over protective.
     "If we were to date and I say if," She started with a playful glare at the end when she saw me raise my eyebrows and smirk like 'Aha, I knew you'd want more than just one date.' ,"would we tell anyone?" She finished as she looked at me curiously with her blue eyes.
  "Up to you. I honestly hadn't thought that far considering I wasn't sure if you'd say yes to even one date." I say sheepishly as I scratch the back of my neck and driving with my other hand. Zoey threw her head back and laughed adorably before smiling softly at me.
       "You need more confidence, Colin. Of course, I'll go on a date with you." She said softly before kissing my cheek as I parked the jeep behind Kyle's corvette. Kyle's dirty blond hair, styled up in that way he loves, came into view as we got out of ther car. I got most of Zoey's bags despite her protests and winked at Zoey as we had walked into the beach house.

    My thoughts were interrupted as Kyle spoke into the phone,

          "She's doing good. She asks about you but i'm not suppose to tell you that." I ran a hand unconciously through my black hair messing it up, causing me to let out a frustrated noise when I realize I had messed it up.

      "I've got to go, Kyle." I say holding the phone by pressing it against my ear and shoulder as I try to fix my short hair from being so messy.

        "Alright, just remember your getting a suprise today! Have fun at Law School, Colin!" He practically shouted in my ear causing me to wince before hanging up. I shook my head while grinning, knowing I wasnt going to get anywhere with my hair before fixing my red striped tie against my tucked in white dress shirt and frowning at my khaki shorts. Remember, you don't have to always look and act perfect, I thought to myself, trying to calm the anxiety coming on. I shook my head as if to rid myself of anything bad or would cause me to worry as I left the apartment and getting into my black camaro.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2014 ⏰

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