T|i'll be there, i always will.

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tell me, my love

why did you give it all up?

you were so strong, so bright and healthy, yet you let your heart decide and dedicated your pure soul to a man whose was broken a long time ago.

but to be honest, i don't want to know. whatever it is that you saw in me, i'll cherish it and never leave you again.

the angel court forbid me to ever get in touch with you again, but who am i to follow rules? you, out of everyone, know that the best.

i left because they would've taken your wings once and for all if i didn't, but I'll be selfish for once, and come back to get you.

you're my essence of life, and i can't be without you anymore. so save those precious tears of yours, and wear the warm smile i fell in love with as soon as it hits nightfall.

i'll be there, i always will.

your sannie

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