"I'm a...what?" part 3

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Kate was walking in the forest, thinking about the encounter she had with her mother

Kate's P.O.V
Okay am I really a princess!?

I mean, I'm not royalty I'm loyalty!..okay that's a lie
But was that really my mama? I mean I'm over the moon probably over Kaliac to see..see? My mama!

I checked the sky to see it was already getting dark
"How is it dark already?" But I shrugged

I should probably get back to the cave but..I'm in the mood for a adventure!.so why not?
I looked about to see there's trees, small and tall trees, green and lean trees, lots of trees. Perfect!, Time for some parkour

No one's P.O.V
Kate got ready and aimed for a tree that was about 6 feet off the ground

Then kate jumped and managed to grab onto a thick branch, she did some flips on it before letting go and jumping onto the next branch and she did it again

Then she saw a huge gap between the tree she was on and another tree
Kate took a deep breath before doing a front flip over the gap but this reminded kate of her battle with the blanks (in bad omen) and she nearly missed but she grabbed into the edge of the branch

Again a flashback of the engine situation came flooding back and Kate's muscle loosened up and kate let go and was falling towards the ground

Kate screamed as she fell but she landed inside a bush
"Okay, don't imagine bad stuff while doing parkour"

But then she heard voices and rustling
"I heard someone screaming over here" she heard someone say

Kate gasped before quickly getting out of the bush and climbing up a tree
She peered down below to see 3 people there in weird yellow suits
And kate gasped as something came flooding back

"Okay, these kids are farrr from ordinary" she heard a scientist say

"Great, hello you three, you'll be known as project Psycia and for separated, Project K. Project T and project C" she heard a woman's voice say

The pink child looked around to see she's in a lab with chemicals and creatures in giant test tubes and some on table

This made the child cry and then tables, tools, chemicals started floating in the air, it was the child who was doing this

"Fascinating" the woman said breathless

"Project Psycia Is probably the best aliens we've had"

Then darkness

*end of flashback*

The flashback replayed in Kate's head when she got a flashlight to the face
"Hey! You there!" One of the yellow people yelled

Kate gasped, jumped down and started running fast through the forest but the yellow-suited people started chasing kate

Kate kept running and running soon she was out of breath, she slowed down for a bit when a soldier managed to sneak up behind her and wrapped an arm around her neck

Kate struggled to get out of the soldier's grip, so she did a back kick into their knee which made them dropped kate
Kate dropped to the floor and looked up at the soldiers who were flooding in

"It's Project K!" A soldier said

"Hello, Project K, come with us and we'll get you back into your home" another soldier said as they crept closer to kate

"I'm a Alien in love" Kate's back season 2, 3below krel x Kate (CONTINUED ON OTHWhere stories live. Discover now