[ 4 ] The First Girl

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A/N: So, this is one of the stories I wrote a few years ago, therefore it's not the best (not that my current stuff is much better hehe). I might come back and edit it sometime, but here it is in its originality for now - sorry in advance...


"When back? When back?" George demanded, for the tenth time.

"I told you, I don't know!" snapped Great Aunt Muriel. He began to cry and so did Fred. "Oh for heaven's sake! George there's no need to blub! Fred, I didn't even say anything to you..."

"I can't wait to see him!" cried Charlie, jumping up and down.

Aunt Muriel tutted. "You never know, it might be a she."

"Mummy has already had six boys!" said Percy. "It's easy for her to have another one."

"Yeah, we don't want a girl, anyway!" exclaimed Fred, crossing his arms stubbornly as George did the same.

"No girl!" yelled little Ron from the floor.

Aunt Muriel opened her mouth to reply, but was interrupted as the front door slammed and voices called: "We're back!" There was a rampage, as all six boys sprinted into the hall, skidding in their socks.

"Can I see him mum? Oh please, please, please!" begged Charlie, leaping around his mother.

"I want to hold him first!" yelled George, who was tackled by a protesting Fred and the twins rolled around on the floor, in a tangle of arms and curly red hair.

"I'll hold him first, because I'm the oldest." stated Bill, stepping forward.

Percy pushed past him and exclaimed. "It's my birthday soon, so I get to hold him!"

They all pressed closer to see the baby and be the first to touch it. Mr and Mrs Weasley looked at each other and laughed.

"None of you can hold him!" smiled Mrs Weasley.

They all went quiet and Charlie voiced what they were all thinking. "Why, mum?"

"Because it's not a him," chuckled Mr Weasley. "It's a her."

All six boys shrunk back in alarm and disgust.

"A girl?"

"It can't be!"

"But we're all boys!"

"Have you checked, mum? Are you sure it's not a boy?"

They all began talking at once, as they followed their parents back into the living room, where Aunt Muriel was sat waiting.

"It's a girl then is it?" she said, peering at the bundle of blankets. "About time too! After six boys, it was getting a bit mad in this house!"

The boys all sat down, looking curiously at the small child in Mrs Weasley's arms, which promptly began to cry. The brothers all looked at each other, nervously, each as unsure as the next on what to do.

"Well," Bill began. "Maybe a sister won't be so bad..."

They all nodded slowly. "Yeah!" cried Charlie. "She could be fun!"

Fred and George looked at each other and grinned at the thought of another joking sibling. Percy didn't say anything, but thought happily of the idea of helping and teaching a little girl. Ron crawled closer and stood up at the couch to get a better look at his sister.

"What sister called?" he asked as Mr Weasley lifted him up onto his lap. They all sat around their mum and dad in a little circle, listening intently for their new sibling's name.

Mr and Mrs Weasley smiled at each other.

"Ginevra," beamed Mrs Weasley. "Her name is Ginevra."

Ron giggled. "Gin-Gin!"

Fred and George stood up and began jumping around, chanting: "Gin-Gin Ginny! Gin-Gin Ginny!"

Each boy was dreaming something different for what they thought their new sister would grow up to be like. Brave, adventurous, intelligent, mischievous and food were all personalities that came to mind (except Ron's; he was just hungry). Over the years they looked out for her, helped her, supported her and loved her. So the best part of what this new sister turned out to be, is that she became a little part of each and every one of her older brothers.


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