Chapter One

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Third Person P.O.V.

Marinette had it all.

She had friends that encouraged her, parents that supported her, and an alternate persona that everyone adored. She had everything she could ever want.

Except for Adrien.

For years Adrien has only ever referred to her as a friend. 'Just a friend.' 'A good friend.' 'A really good friend.' Those are the titles that he kept calling her all these years. She loved Adrien,but she wanted more from him. She wanted to mean more to him.

But tomorrow, that's all going to change. Because tomorrow she's going to turn eighteen and the initials of her soulmate, the person she's destined to be with, will appear on her hand, and she's confident that it will be Adrien. Her logic was that Adrien loved her too.

He just... didn't know it yet.

So when Marinette woke up this morning (on behalf of Tikki) a day before her birthday, she was determined to have a good day today.

However, that was going to be a little difficult because today she had school. At 8:10 a.m. 

And it was already 8:00.

What the heck was she doing just sitting around and daydreaming? She had to get ready for school! And in ten minutes at that!

After taking a quick shower, slipping on her clothes and hurriedly brushing her hair, she dashed downstairs and out the door, shouting a quick "Bye Mom and Dad, love you!" with a croissant shoved up her mouth.

Bursting into the classroom fifteen minutes late, Ms. Bustier had just finished taking the role, with Adrien not too far behind Marinette.

"Late again Marinette?" Ms. Bustier groaned. "Please try to come to class early. Set your alarm earlier or something but if you're late again, I'm going to call in your parents. That goes for you too Adrien. Understood?"

"Yes, Miss Bustier." Marinette and Adrien said simultaneously.

"Please go your seat."

Adrien went to his seat without difficulty, yet when Marinette tried to go to hers, but tripped and fell. As usual.

Chloe and Sabrina laughed at Marinette, but Sabrina didn't laugh as much.

"How many times are you going to fail standing up school Marinette?" Chloe sneered.

Marinette rolled her eyes and picked herself up, going over to sit in her seat. 'Why am I such a klutz?' she thought to herself.

"Girl, even at seventeen, you're still a clumsy mess around him. Get a grip!" Alya said.

"I'm trying." Marinette told her.

"Alright class, take out your books and turn to page fifty-one."

***After class***

"And don't forget the assignment that's due next week!" Ms. Bustier shouted as everyone rushed out of the classroom for their next period.

Marinette stayed back though, because she noticed something wrong with Ms. Bustier. Her favourite teacher looked stressed and she wanted to see if she was doing alright.

"You coming, Mari?" Alya asked her.

"I'll catch up with you." Marinette responded.

"Okay, I'll wait for you outside." Alya rose up and left.

Marinette, with her bag on her shoulders walked up to Ms. Bustier's desk. "Ms. Bustier?"

She had her head down in her her phone, so at the sound of her name, she jumped slightly. When she realized it was Marinette, she smiled warmly. "Well if it isn't my favourite latecomer. What brings you to the table?"

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