The Rival Part 1

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"Now time to change our fate..."

Your POV

Those were the last words I heard from that voice...

I miss Kris, I miss the real world... but now I'll NEVER get to it. Because I'm dead. This person, that I don't even know... they took everything I had away from me. And I swear, I will give them a hell they will never forget!

Frisk POV

I looked at that pitiful, dead corpse one last time before I hit that RESET button. Honestly, I would say I feel bad if she wasn't a virus corrupting the timeline and my sweet Kris. This job is too important to me. As guardian of AU's and timelines, if I hadn't done what I did, the whole Multiverse would be unstable and collapse, and then everyone would cease to exist. Hey you. Yeah you, the one's whose reading this right now. Let me ask you something. Which one do you think is a better choice? Saving one person just to have them and everyone else die anyway? Or killing that one person to save the whole world? Honestly, for me... that's an easy question. I'll leave you with that thought anyway. Anyways, you coming or not? This world along with others will be deleted and put in the compacter anyway. So why not tag along? All you'll see here in a few minutes is empty code. So what do you say?



"Alright then! I'll see you there!" 

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