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"Well, I suppose I have some explaining to do..."

"Like hell you do. Now spill the beans."

"Before you get the wrong idea, we had to put your soul under prohibition, we haven't seen anything like this in a long time," Frisk said. "We? Whaddya mean we?" "Oh, I didn't mention? I work alongside someone. Or, more like for them. Speaking of which, he's coming now!"

"Hey, Frisk! Who's the new guy? Or girl... I can't really tell?" 

*Wow, way to be blunt.

"Hey Ink! Where were you!" Frisk seems to be good friends with this guy. For some reason, he looks familiar. "Have I've seen this guy somewhere?" I mutter under my breath. 

"Anyways, mind introducing yourself, kid?"

"Uh, okay. I'm Y/n L/n."

"Huh. Weird name. Heya, I'm Ink, Owner of the Memo and 'Universe' known as the Doodle Sphere, Though it is more commonly known as an anti-void! Nice to meet you Y/n!" "Same here. But, uh, still mind explaining what that is?" I say pointing the wired contained cage." "Oh uh, that. Yeah. Like Frisky here said, we had to put your soul under prohibition because for research purposes. Besides your a higher entity than Frisk and I combined, so you don't need it." "Ok, thanks. But you still haven't answered my question. Why is my soul under prohibition?"    

"I told you this already," Frisk said, facepalming. Because of the AU DELTA RUNE collapsing, that affected the timelines too, idiot. Which would also explain some of the things happening that weren't supposed to happen. Such as Lancer turning on you, King, uh becoming King again, the fact that you passed out and woke up in the Dark World without entering the closet, Kris' strange behavior, and many others. We're worried that your soul might've been contaminated with whatever error or virus happening. Another reason that your soul is being monitored right now is that in case it DOES have a virus because if the errors reach to other AU's, then... we might as well say goodbye to this world as we know it." "But how come I'm apparently not affected at all by this? Physically, not mentally." I asked. "That, we don't know." "Uh, Frisk...?" "Huh? What is it?" 




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