Chapter 5__Monster's Ball

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At home a few days later, Jeremy was sitting on a chair. I was sitting on the couch. 

Damon was standing, talking to us. "So, as we know, in a psychotic lapse of judgment, Bonnie brought you back to life and died in the process. May she rest in peace."

Jeremy looked at the chair across from him. "She's actually right there." 

"Whatever," Damon told him. "Look. The whole point is, I just happen to know a supernatural being who just happens to want to die, and in the spirit of Nature needing balance and life for a life and all that stuff, I just think it would be a huge waste of a perfectly good death." 

"What are you talking about?" Jeremy asked.

"Something Elena doesn't need to know about until it works," Damon told us.

I leaned forward in realization. "Wait. You want to work with Silas?" 


"From the beginning, Silas' whole bad-guy plan was to kill himself, pass on to wherever he was gonna pass on to, and reunite with his dead girlfriend, Amara," Damon told us. "I want to use his death to bring Bonnie back to life."


"To die, he has to be mortal," Damon told us. "If he's mortal, then he's a witch, and if he dies as a witch, then he's stuck on the Other Side forever." 

"He already tried to bring down the Veil to the Other Side," I told him. "He failed." Jeremy was looking at the chair where he had said that Bonnie had been sitting at. I looked from the chair to Jeremy. "She knows we can't hear her, right?" 

"She thinks Silas want to destroy the Other Side completely," Jeremy told us. 

Jeremy explained to us what Bonnie had said.

Powerful spells were bound by something even more powerful--the moon, a comet, a Doppelgänger. The Other Side had been made 2,000 years ago, and it still existed. That meant she must have bound it to something that could exist just as long. A mystical anchor, the thing that bound her spell to the Other Side. 


"Back to my original question," Damon told us. "Let's say Silas destroys the Other Side, cures himself, becomes a witch. Is it supernaturally possible that he can do a spell that swaps her life for his life once he--pfft--kills himself?" 

Jeremy was looking at the chair where he had said that Bonnie was sitting. 

"What'd she say?" I asked. "Tell me." 

Jeremy smiled. "She's in!" 


Later, Damon had left to go to the Whitmore ball.

Jeremy was talking to the air in front of him in the library. "So I can lie for you all summer as your witch translator, but when it's something I want--And bringing me back to life wasn't? Oh, right. It killed you. Now she needs you. What is worse than this? What is worse than seeing you and hearing you . .. " He touched the air in front of him. "And not being able to fell you? This isn't enough anymore. Let Damon try to bring you back." 

"Well, well, well," I said, making him notice I was standing in the doorway. "He's a Hunter and a liar."

Jeremy turned toward me. "Nicola--"

"Don't try to deny it, Gilbert," I told him. "I saw and heard everything." I tilted my head. "Okay, maybe half of what was going on here, but I saw and heard enough to know what is happening." 

Jeremy shook his head. "You can't tell them." I raised my eyebrows. "I mean, I just want to bring her back. Don't you want to bring her back?" 

I sighed, smiling a small smile. "Your secret's safe with me." 

"Thank you, Nicola," Jeremy told me.

I smirked, turning around and walking out of the room.

Everyone wanted Bonnie back.

Including me.


Later, when Damon and Elena had come home, they had told me about this Professor Maxfield, who knew about vampires and told Elena to move out before she and Caroline got exposed by vampires.

They also brought a desiccated version of Silas home, lying him on the couch.

I poured us three drinks for each of us. "So, Professor Blondie knows about vampires?"

"He said that if I don't drop out of school, the wrong people are gonna start asking the right questions," Elena explained.

"Ugh, that's not good," I told them, handing two drinks to Damon and Elena. "What are you gonna do?" 

"I don't know, but all I do know is that finding out the truth about Megan isn't gonna bring Bonnie back," Elena told us.

"Yeah," I said. "Well, neither is a desiccated Silas in our living room."

"So, the only way for Silas to trade in his life for Bonnie's is if he's a witch, but the only way to become a witch is to have the Cure," Elena told us.

"Yep," I answered. Someone knocked on the door. I looked from the door to Damon. "What?" 

"Now, who could that possibly be?" Damon asked rhetorically, putting his drink down, walking toward the door and opening it.

"What's so urgent?" Katherine asked. "I'm on the run." She walked inside. "Don't exactly have time for a pit stop." She looked at Silas on the couch. "Or maybe I do. Maybe I have all the time in the world. Katherine Pierce eludes death yet agian. Ha ha! And you three finally did something right for once. How does it feel?" 

"Thrilling," Damon told her, giving her a look.

Katherine realized what was happening. "Damon, no." 

Damon rushed toward her, grabbing Katherine by the shoulders. "He needs the Cure to become a witch." 

Damon bit her neck.

"No!" Katherine told him. Damon let go, pulling her toward Silas. "No. No. No, Damon. No, no, please! He needs all of my blood. It'll kill me, Damon. Damon, pleaes, I don't want to die. I don't want to die, Damon. I don't want to die. Please."  

"Good bye, Katherine," Damon told her, pushing her severed neck into Silas' mouth.

Silas drank, color slowly returning to his skin. Katherine looked as if she was getting weak, though she kept struggling, falling to the floor.

Damon looked at Elena. "Do you hear that?" 

"Hear what?" I asked.

"A heart beat," Elena answered. "She's not dead." 

"You've got to be kidding me," I told them.

"Takes a licking, keeps on ticking," Damon told us.

Katherine gasped, opening her eyes, looking toward us. "Am I in hell?" 

Bad Feelings (Zach's Daughter series, Book Five, The Vampire Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now