please stay

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calum entered the unruly house; it smelled of drugs, sweat and alcohol. he really wished he hadn't left michael's now, they had just met. of course, calum, being the dîck he is, chose a party over michael.

his old childhood friend, jacob, ran over to calum. "here's a drink," he handed calum a red solo cup, well, more like shoved it into his hands. "now, i was wondering if you wanted join in on a game of truth or dare?"

"umm, sure."

● ● ●

michael just sat in his room, listening to sad songs. he was thinking. he was thinking about all his feelings, mostly his feelings towards calum.

michael, obviously, knew he was gay, but having feelings for your best friend? that's never happened before.

he also started thinking about ashton. ashton had broken his heart in two. why the helł would he cheat? michael gave him everything he wanted, but in the end, he believed he just wasn't good enough. he also wasn't good enough for calum; calum was cute and funny and, mostly, nice.

why me? was the only thing michael thought of, until a very drunk calum came stumbling through the door.

● ● ●

half-way through the game, calum had kissed everyone in the circle. he even kissed girls, he hated kissing girls, but by that time he was too drunk to care.

"who's next?" a girl slurred.

"i don't know, but i'm dropping out." calum muttered and got up. he wasn't really feeling the party kind of vibe. the smoke was in his lungs and the alcohol still burned in his throat.

calum was drunk. too drunk to drive. michael's wasn't that far away. he decided to walk, the cool summer air hitting his face.

he tried to remember which way was which, but he couldn't. he got lost many many times. finally he reached the small house; he knew the door wasn't locked, so he just went in.


"i'm coming," michael wasn't too happy to deal with a drunk calum.

" 'm tired."

"let's get you to bed."

michael wrapped his arm around calum's waist and picked him up. calum obliged and locked his feet behinds michael's back, nuzzling his head into michael's neck.

"you smell good," calum giggled. michael started walking up the stairs, pacing himself.

"i should hope so."

the rest of the walk to michael's bed was in silence, calum had fallen asleep.
michael set calum on the bed, he took his shoes off and put the blankets over him.

michael kissed calum's forehead, "goodnight."

calum whined and flipped over so he was facing michael more. he pulled him into bed whispering, "please stay."


they got positioned right, calum's face buried into michael's neck, his arm around michael's waist, but most importantly, their intertwined hands.

and then calum said three words that made michael's stomach drop.

"i love you."
((i wrote this instead of doing my homework whoops.))

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