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"...You know I still don't see what the problem is, Y/N."

You throw your head back, silently groaning to keep your friend on the other side of the line from hearing you.

You knew you should have called Simone instead.

"Um, hello??? Did you forget you had me on speaker phone, bitch? Don't be grumbling under your breath at me goddammit, you know I'm right! And don't you dare call Simone ass either after we hang up. I love her, but she'll have you overthinking and seeing problems that aren't really there. You know how them Scorpios be."

You mumble a defeated 'fine, OK' at her and grab your phone, relocating yourself over to your vanity table to continue your conversation while you do your hair.

Reaching up, you tug the t-shirt wrapped around your head free as your damp curls fall over your face, turning around to drape the wet shirt over the back of your chair.

Tying the front of your hair up in a bun, you grab your spray bottle and one of your brushes and start to spray and detangle your hair, the leftover conditioner in it from the shower helping to make the process easier.

As you gently smooth your brush through your curls and fall into your hair routine, you start to ponder on your current predicament, allowing your friends wise words to penetrate your mind.

Maybe you were overthinking it.

"Don't get silent on me now, Y/N. Tell me what's on your mind."

You take a deep breath, trying to filter your thoughts and make some sense of them.

"I don't know, Kay. I don't really know how to explain it. I just feel like he's not...interested." You shrug your shoulders even though you know she can't see it, not really knowing any other way to explain yourself.

"Okay. And what makes you say that?"

You inhale, taking a small scoop of leave-in conditioner and working it through a section of hair while you think.

"I dunno. I feel like when we do talk, its great, and there's a connection there. But sometimes there's these long periods of absence with no communication, and when that happens I feel like I'm always the last one whose reached out, you know?"

Raking your fingers through your curls one last time, you watch your coils shrink up in the mirror, the tights spirals coming to life after their first layer of moisture.

Unclipping another section in the back, you scoop some more product into your hands, repeating the process.

"Okay, I can feel where you're coming from. But let me ask you this: what do you mean by long periods of absence?"

Your hands pause in your hair, and you bite your lip, knowing your next words are gonna make you sound like a complete dumbass.


"Yeah?" Kay prompts you to continue.

"Umm.. like... two or three days... sometimes?" Your voice gets really small and high pitched at the end, knowing you were being a little ridiculous.


You add some additional info, hoping maybe it will help your case.

"Sometimes it'll even be a whole week tho, too!"


"...yes, Kay."

"You know Erik is in the military, right?"

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