Chapter 10

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"So, this is Star Labs?" Carla said as she entered the building.

"Yeah, it's too bad you're seeing now instead of before the accident." Cisco said.

"Do you have anything you can use to track my daughter?" Carla asked.

"The satellite." Wells said to Cisco.

"What?" Cisco asked.

"We can use the star Labs satellite to scan for Caitlin's cryogenic signature by searching for ultra violet cold signatures in Central City." Wells explained and Cisco nodded.

"I'm on it." Cisco said.

"Even if we find her, how do we talk her down. Khione is not Caitlin. She wants vengeance on the people who wronged her." Wells said, somehow unaware of the look Barry was throwing him.

"We need to convince her that just because she was treated like a monster doesn't mean she has to become one. She can prove everyone wrong. She can be a hero." Barry said.

"Maybe, but I think we should also have a contingency plan in place in case she isn't willing to listen, since I don't imagine you want to send her to Iron Heights?" Jay said.

"Yeah. Maybe we could retrofit the particle accelerator into a temporary prison." Wells said.

"It's worth a shot." Barry agreed, though he knew that the pipeline was something that he'd only use as a last resort, since he knew now that those cells were not equipped for long term incarceration.

"Cisco and I will get to work on that. In the meantime, Mr. Allen, you should resume your training, since cold is the natural opposite of your powers. Khione could do some serious damage to you if she wanted and since you're going to get in the way of her doing what she wants, I'm sure she will want to." Wells said and Barry nodded, since while he hated the man in front of him, he also knew that he was right.

"Actually, I can help you with the cells, but I think if Barry wants a real chance, Cisco needs to finish up that suit for him." Jay said.

"It's almost done, but yeah, I agree." Cisco said and Barry just wished he could run to the future and steal a quantum computer gauntlet for Cisco to strip the filament from and line his suit with.

"What should I do?" Carla asked.

"Stay put. We brought you here to protect you from Khione. We know she's going to come for you, so the best you can do is stay here where we know you'll be safe." Wells said.

"You can't just tell me to do nothing while my daughter is out there potentially hurting people." Carla said.

"It sounds like the only person truly in danger here is you. Therefore, you stay here until we can find a way to protect you." Wells said, right as the air turned cold.

"Too late." Khione said as she rode her ice slide into the building.

"How'd you find her?" Cisco asked.

"Please, you forget I have Caitlin's memories and her access codes to Star Labs right. I knew that you'd bring Carla here. And this time you won't stop me from getting my revenge on her." Khione said.

"Khione, stop." Barry said as he got between her and Carla.

"Get out of the way Barry." Khione said.

"You're not a villain Khione. You don't have to do this." Barry said.

"Yes I am. All anyone has ever done is treat me like a monster. They've tried to keep me locked up." Khione said.

"So this is what you're doing? Proving them right?" Barry asked.

"Excuse me?" Khione asked.

"Just because people treat you like a monster doesn't mean you have to become one. In fact, the only way you can make people see you differently is if you give them a reason to. You could be a hero. You and Caitlin can coexist peacefully, you know she's willing to offer the opportunity to you, the only real question is, are you willing to offer it to her?" Barry asked he held out his hand to Khione.

"You really think I can be a hero?" Khione asked.

"Yeah, I do." Barry said and Khione nodded as she took a deep breath and as she moved to shake his hand, she turned back to Caitlin.

"It's good to be back." Caitlin said.

"Good to have you back. Think you and Khione can work things out?" Barry asked her.

"I guess we'll find out." Caitlin said as she looked at her mother.

"Caity." Carla said.

"Mom, I'm so sorry." Caitlin began.

"We have a lot to talk about don't we?" Carla asked and Caitlin nodded as she and her mother left the room to have that chat.

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