Ch 17

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"You're staring." I accuse playfully as I look at Killian in the mirror.

"I prefer the term gazing at fondly." He counters with that charming smile of his.

I can't fight back the smile that overtakes my lips. Everything was falling into place.

"I see that smile, Love." Killian wraps his arms around me from behind, resting his chin on my shoulder as he does.

I playfully tap his nose with a clean makeup brush. "Good. Cause it's for you." I smile and turn my head to steal a kiss.

Killian chuckles against my lips. "I love you."

"I love you too. You coming with me tonight?"

"Aye. Wouldn't miss it for the world, Ash."

I blush and kiss his temple. "Gina wants to propose to Gwen tonight, and Gwen wants to propose to Gina as well."

Killian raises an eyebrow at me.

"And they both have specific songs in mind..." I sigh. "So I played around with some stuff and I think I found a decent mix of the two songs."

"Aye? Can I hear it?" He smiles softly.

"Nope. Cause it's a surprise. I've already told you too much." I hum.

He shakes his head playfully before nuzzling my neck. "I'm not Snow, Love. I can keep a secret."

"I know you can." I smile. "I just want you to see it executed." I turn to face him, draping my arms around his neck lazily.

Killian rolls his eyes playfully before kissing my forehead.

I smile and lean against him. It's been a month since I'd handled the deal with Rumple, but there was no indication of it. Sure, I had my bad nights but Killian was always there to calm me down. Just as I'm there for him when the trauma from the Underworld sneaks up on him. At some point, we just realized we're two broken people holding each other together. It's cynical but the truth.

That's all it is when we cuddle. It's us just holding the other together. Outside of our relationship and bringing Rocky into the family, plenty had changed. Sam and Belle had a pretty small wedding ceremony and were off on their honeymoon. They'd picked some small cabin out in some pretty woods, which seems fitting for them. Dean and Emma just get closer and closer every day. Henry adores Dean and has taken to calling him dad.

Emma had told me about the heart attack she nearly had when it happened. She wasn't sure how Dean would react but I guess he took it well and even talked to Emma about it when they were alone. She said he was totally awestruck and loved that Henry thought of him as a dad.

I'm pulled away from my thoughts when Killian kisses my cheek sweetly. "You okay, Love?"

I nod and smile softly. "Just thinking." I squeeze his hand gently before I finish up my makeup.

He nods and rests his chin on my shoulder. The silence that rests between us is comfortable and natural.


"Do the girls back home touch you like I do?" I sing with a playful little wink directed at Killian as my cheeks heat up.

He just smirks at me and winks back, causing my cheeks to heat up more than they already were from the line.

If I was getting flustered over such a line how was I going to make it through "Dress"? That was one that Gwen had specifically requested, knowing that I'd never sang it before in public, much less in front of my fiancé. I could see her sniggering out of the corner of my eye as I continued on with the song.

But of course she stops laughing when Gina pulls her to her feet and leads her to the dance floor. The two women start to slow dance, twirling each other around the floor. Watching them dance I decide to segway into the next song, "King of my Heart."

I run through my set effortlessly, turning up the charm a little when I get to "Dress." My eyes lock on Killian's each time I sing the line "Only bought this dress so you could take it off..." Water fills my eyes as I get towards the end of the song where Taylor talks about how through all the bad, her lover saw the best in her. Killian's soft smile makes the tears threaten to spill out. I'd gotten lucky when it came to him. There was no way around that fact.

As the crowd comes down from the racy number, I pull out my notes for the proposal mashup. "Alright, I've got a couple more songs for y'all... but I need Mayor Mills and Gwendolyn Haven on the dancefloor for this one, please."

Both women grin sweetly as they fulfill my request and sly nods are sent my way. They both wanted to propose but didn't know the other was proposing. I start with Regina's requested song "Love Story" which earns a chuckle from the audience as the couple starts to slow dance to it. Right before the switch I start to get a little nervous. Taking a deep breath, I start getting ready for the switch "He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said...." I watch as Regina starts to get on one knee as I switch to Gwen's choice, "It's a beautiful night, we're looking for something dumb to do, hey baby, I think I wanna marry you." Gwen laughs as she also gets on one knee, leaving both women kneeling with a box in their hands. I quietly strum a bit of a mix of the two songs that flows pretty well together.

"Regina, I can't give you my heart so I hope this will do. I love you and have loved you since that first day I stumbled into your garden back in the Enchanted Forest. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?" Gwen asks, holding up an engagement ring with a heart in the middle.

Gina nods happily, "Gwen, you made me see that being good was possible and there's no one else I'd rather rule my life with than you, so will you marry me?"

Gwen laughs and nods, grinning like an idiot. The two women exchange rings before standing and kissing each other.

Grinning brightly, I finish the mashup of the song I'd come up with for the women to have the perfect moment while they slow dance.


The opening notes of the song makes me tilt my head. A couple of days had passed since the double proposal. It was late at night and Killian and I were just enjoying some quiet time on the deck of the Jolly Roger.

"Come here, Love." Killian's standing at the center of his ship with a crooked grin.

"Okay, I'll bite. What's with the song?" I smile as I make my way to him.

He kisses my forehead and holds me close before swaying in time with the music as Christina Perri's voice fills the air. "A little demon told me that you really love this song because it makes you think of" he twirls me around, "I was thinking about having it be our wedding song?"

My heart melts at his suggestion. "Killian... I.... I'm fine with that. Unless you have another song in mind..."

He chuckles. "It was down between this one and 'Anchor'."

"This one for sure, 'Anchor' does make me think of you but I'd like to keep that for just us." I smile sweetly and kiss him softly. "I love you."

Killian smiles against my lips. "I love you too..." He holds me close as we dance. It's not long before he starts to sing "the words" quietly in my ear.

Everything felt perfect and happy for the first time in a long time.

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