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Nobody's pov

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Nobody's pov

« Shin~» the girl hum the nickname of her boyfriend, who at that moment was repairing a motorbike.

He turned for a moment to make it sure that she had all his attention.

Y/n Y/s is the girlfriend of Shinichiro, the founder of Black Dragons. After he passed down the Black Dragon's to the 2nd generation, he started to spend more time with her.

In his mouth there is always a cigarette, and knowing that Y/n didn't like the smell of smoke, he made sure not to smoke near her.

« Yes» he says in his usual calm voice.

The girl approaches him and lowers herself to his height, she says nothing and keeps staring at the twenty-five-year-old man.

He confused leaves his work and turns to look at her. She had those innocent eyes, and that angel expression: an expression that she always did when she needed something.

« What's my baby's request?»

To the sweet nickname, she giggles and wraps her arms around Shinichiro's biceps, putting her head on his shoulder.

« Shin~ you know i love you more than anything?»

« I know» he says resuming his interrupted work.

« I love you so much» she keeps saying cheesy things and the guy just nods, trying to figure out where she wanted to go.

« I was thinking...» she looks at him, as if she were searching for the right words to say so as not to take a scold.

« Uhm... I thought I'd try a cigarette» she says in a low voice, almost imperceptible.

Shinichiro stops what he was doing and looks at her with a serious expression. The action causes her to loosen her grip from his arm and to stare at him with her innocent expression.

« What?»

« I was just thinking...» she defends herself and a deep sigh came out of her pouting lips.

« You want to smoke?» in response she nods and steals a few glances at him while she plays nervously with the hem of her skirt.

« Okay» he gets up and goes to the shelf where he had put a pack full of cigarettes.

He took out one putting the rest of it back in his pocket and pulled out a lighter as he flickered his cigarette while putting it between his lips.

Y/n kept looking at him confused, and when she was going to ask for explanations he makes a sign to her to remain silent.

« I'm preparing it for you»

She corrugated her eyebrows and continued to stare at him with curious expression.

Shinichiro approaches her and puts the cigarette between his index and middle. She thought he would give it to her, but he makes her stand up and brings his face closer to her.

« He's going to kiss me?» she thought as she closed her eyes.

At that moment, he'd taken a huge puff and when he was going to touch her lips, he blows the smoke on her face.

Y/n started coughing and walked away from her boyfriend who had burst out laughing.

« Don't ask me again to smoke» he says in a serious tone and shakes his head in denial.

« I hate you!» the girl yells and crosses her arms.

« I love you too» he replays while continuing his work.

« Shin» she went on as she played nervous with the hem of her skirt.

She bit her lips and looked at him with her big lost eyes.

« Mhm...»

« I love you» she whispers and the sentence makes the young man smile.

« I know»

« I know»

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