012| grudgeme

80 10 5

Here are the Banners and Aesthetics that you requested for grudgeme

So, I went with a grey color scheme for the aesthetics mostly because, one; many of the pics that I found for this aesthetics where already grey, and two; the ones that aren't grey, are bad quality.

For the banners I want with a moron and black color scheme for the backround with blood dripping down (one has a bloody hand print on it)

I have two smaller versions of those banners because I thought the first few were a bit big. So if you prefer the smaller version just let me know which one you want and I will chop it down to look like the bottom two.

If you would like to use these graphics, then please pm with a gmail I can send them to. If you don't have a gmail or aren't comfortable sending it, just pm me and we will discuss another way to do it:)

[ B O O K - A E S T H E T I C S ]
Two made.

( C H A R A C T E R - A E S T H E T I C S )

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( C H A R A C T E R - A E S T H E T I C S )

Five made.

Five made

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( B A N N E R S )

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( B A N N E R S )

Seven choises to choose from.

 Seven choises to choose from

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