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Graphics for - Aemjay23
Type of graphic - Cover and Aesthetics

Sorry this took so long to get to you. I actually tried making this cover during last mouth but I was in a bit of a funk when it came to making anything, so the cover never came out the way I had intended it too.

If you would like to use the cover, then please pm me your gmail so I can send it through to you.

Note - I have nearly completed the covers for:

Clair De Lune - brookesmikaelson
its nearly finished, I just need to make a few adjustments, so I should have that updated tonight.

Edge Of Blessings - @HoneyDixon
Again, I've nearly finished it, just need to make a few adjustments. I'll have it up later tonight.

Paper Hearts - @camiriels
Its halfway finished, but it's a simple cover so I should have it done by either tonight or tomorrow.



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