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61. Get a rock, a stick and try to dig out a whole in the rock
62. Actually pay attention to what I'm writing
63. Write a love story
64. Post random pictures of your food on Instagram
65. Change your password
66. Play this game:
On small prices of paper write
5 spreads
5 drinks
3 herbs
3 fruits
3 veggies
4 diary products
(That's 31 prices of paper) put them into separate hats/bowls or something
2 spreads
2 drinks
1 herb
1 fruit
1 veggie
2 dairy things
Now mix your randomly picked stuff together and eat/drink it.
67. Do that game with friends
68. Make animal noises
69. Talk with an accent
70. Put a washing basket on your back and be a turtle
71. Times the date of you birthday by 5 then go that many pages into the white pages, then times the month by 7 and go that many names down. That person is the name of your future husband/wife
72. Do a dumb dance
73. Make a puppet show
74. Pretend to kill all the people you hate
75. Write a story about a girl who is depressed and has cancer
76. Write any kind of depressing story
77. Be really mad that the hunger games movies are taking forever and we have to wait so long
78. Listen to 5SOS
79. Make up gross nicknames for food
80. Be mean about a teacher you hate
81. Get a gift for a teacher you like
82. Make a random card
83. Make toast and feed it to your dog
84. Admit you aren't listening to any of this
85. Talk to yourself
86. Get an imaginary friend
87. Talk about snakes
88. Pretend to get a drink and the randomly tip the bottle on someone near you
89. Bump into people and say 'sorry, didn't see you there'
90. Eat a carrot

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