chapter one and probably the last one i will ever make.

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*aDaM's pOv*

hiw sistewrs!!1🥵oWo i am s-sO bOrEd🤗😳sO i wiLL gO tO tHe fOrEsT fOr nO rEaSoN :vv oWo😂😂👌👌
o-oMg i-
can't believe what I am looking at😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳

is that-

-oBAmA walked bEaTiFuLLy ThRouGh tHe flOwerS aNd he LooKed sO beAutiFuL tHat hE Left aDaM sPeeChLesS-

So aDaM went running like sOniC to his house to take his nEkO cOsPLay sO hE cAn mAkE oBaMa cUm

"Heyy cutie😈u underage?😳"—Obama said.

"i- uhh y-yEs oBaMa-kuN🤗🤗"—said aDaM sOfTLy bEcaUsE hE iS a BoTtOM.

"Well, If we are in the forest no one will catch us kiTtY bAbYbOy😳🥵"—Obama-kun said as he was unzipping his pants.

"oHhHh~~~, o-oBAmA-kUn☺️☺️.   
p-pWeaSe bE gWeNtLe🥰😍🤗"—said adam because i say this again, he is a bottom.

"Yes kitty😈😍i wiLL bE"—said Obama, obviously lying.

and then obama just fucked adam, that's it.

"uHhHhHh o-obamAAAAA!!~~ yOuW cWuM iS sWo sWoFt mMmMm🥰🥵🥛bOkU nO piCo mMmMmM. o-oH gOd oH fucKkKKk oBaMa-kUn!!"

Then some nibbas from the FBI joined and it was all recorded so the video was posted in pornhub and now Adam is the most famous porn actor.

T H E  E N D

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