Meeting the imposters

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The 2 police officers gave you some rules and let you and the gang go and went straight towards the mess and clean it up!

Delfino Police officer 2: Go straight that way. You can't miss the mess pal! Your first job is to get rid of all that ugliness. And remember, we'll be watching you, pal. We'll know if you start slacking off.

The 2 police officers left and you and the gang started headed straight to the goop and started cleaning it up.

Meggy: I can't believe how they think you did this (Y/N) and you didn't even do it and we have to clean on our vacation.

(Y/N): I know how you guys feel and I ain't liking it either! If Infinite and Crystal were here they can help us out a lot right now.

Carol: Yeah! Well anyways (Y/N) let's get this over and done with!

(Y/N): Right Carol!

F.L.U.D.D: The goop is just up ahead.

SB123 Mario: Got it FLUDD!

You and the gang make your way to the goop and this is way bigger than the one you first saw.

(Y/N): So much of this goop!

Meggy: Yup! let clean it up, FLUDD?

F.L.U.D.D: Got it!

You use fludd and started cleaning up the mess and than a mess up polluted piranha monster merged from it.

SB123 Mario: I got this one (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Okay SB123 Mario!

You gave SB123 Mario FLUDD and he clean it up real quick and after he was done cleaning it up a statue appeared and rises after the polluted Piranha monster was gone and there was 6 people just like you and there was on top of it and you were surprised. 

Meggy: Guys! Look! On the statue's head!

Lilac: There is 6 of them!

Carol: What in the world!

Milla: They look like (Y/N)!

SB123 Meggy: (Y/N), are you alright?!

The Delfino police look at them and were shocked.

Delfino Police officer 1: Oh my god! There are the real thief's and we where blind by this one by mistake. OH WE ARE SO FIRED!

SB123 Mario: So those are the ones who ruined our vacation and frame (Y/N)! (Y/N) are you alright?!

(Y/N): Those guys are going to pay! They are so dead!

The 6 figures up off the statue and started to run past you and the gang and leaving a trail of goop on the floor as they running away! 

(Y/N): Guys, let's get those fakers!

Meggy/Carol/Milla/Lilac/SB123 Meggy/SB123 Mario: Right!

Right before you guys were about to go after them the 2 police officers stop you in your track started to talk!

Delfino Police officer 1: We... have an apology to make to you (Y/N).

(Y/N): But... we have fakers to get!

Delfino Police officer 1: But this is more important. Before we tell you our apology, state your business here at Isle Delfino.

Lilac:  We were here to spend our vacation here for 6 weeks!

Delfino Police officer 1: That is lovely and we are so sorry for this. To make it up to y'all, we the people of Delfino Plaza will give you and extra 2 week so you guys can have the relaxation you deserved and we can clean the rest of the mess for y'all!

Meggy: Th-Thank you and you can do us a good favor and get those real criminals and you guys can relax in peace!

(Y/N): I don't think you need to worry about them because if I'm correct they should be running back right now.

The fake imposters are coming back and they disappeared and you don't sense them anymore.

(Y/N): They are gone for good and delifino is clean from there work and we can finally relax on our vacation.

Meggy/Carol/Milla/Lilac/SB123 Meggy/SB123 Mario: Right!

You and the gang started to relax on your vacation and you are finally done with this whole incident and you can have the rest of your vacation with your friends and spend time with them.

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