w-wat u like who???

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the next day

my pov

so I wake up n princetons bed I look over n see neaveh sleeping man dat red mark on her face makes me want to whoop rocs ass I look to my left n see prince shirtless man do u know how long I waited to see him shirt less lol I get up n walk to his bathroom n looks at my face its all scratched up I feel like crying how could the man I luv or use to luv do this to me n our baby

end of pov

me-*tears fall from my eyes*

prince-*walks n*Alana don't cry

me-im nit crying cuz in sad I'm crying cuz I'm angry

prince- ok lil on go sit n let me make u some if Jacobs special

me-*laughs a lil*man I hate being around u when I'm mad u always make me laugh

prince-I'm*walks out room*

kens pov

so I wake up n see prods Sexy ass with only boxers on man I would luv to be this bed lol I get up n hear prince down stairs cooking fat butt lol I get up n go to da bathroom n look at my face n arms their scratched up n red man I wish I never knew ray he is such an ass hole n don't let me get on roc I can't believe he would even think shouted hitting neaveh now that is one nigga who needs his ass kicked n I'm glad they did I wounder if Alana beat his ass to cuz I know she don't be playing when it comes down to her kids

prod-*looks at ken*Hiiii


prod-so wat ya doin

me-*laughs*prod u stupid

prod-stupid for u


prod-nothing nothing at all

me-yea ok

end of pov

down stairs(eb was up n down there but neaveh she was watching spongebob)



prod-lol u annoy me

ken-but ya luv me lol

me-shut up lol

prince-not nice


prince-no buts get in da corner

me-fine*walks to da corner*


me-this aint right

prince-want me to get my belt


prince-no what

me-no daddy

ken-*laughing hard*

prince-lol I'm just kidding

me-yea*thinking ur so fucking sexy*

prod-ken can I tell u something


they-go out side

prod-look I unknown I like u a lot like since we was n high school

ken-y didn't u tell me

prod-cuz I didn't want us to be messed up

ken+prod I always liked u I just did know it u liked me bak

prod-I'm u just broke up n all but would u go out with me

ken-uhh I have to think


they go in

me-ohhh what was y'all doing


prince-I told u to get n da corner not its belt time

me-nooooo*runs to da corner*

prince-I thought so

me-*mumbles*dick head

prince-I heard dat

me-I luv u

prince-wat eve

ken-want to go out to eat


they get dressed

abuse me then luv me......i dont get it(MB rated r love story)Where stories live. Discover now