wow really

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ok sorry I haven't worked to da story n a longgggggg time n I'm adding @RayRayCutie this crazy girl lol luv ya boo n u better inbox me on fanpop lol

my pov

so I'm at home with neaveh n Roc I hear someone knock on our door so I get up n open it

end of pov

me-*gets up n walks to da door n opens it*hey ray hey kenzie


me-come in

them-k*walks in*

roc-yo wat up man

ray-sup bro


ray-wat to go shoot sum hoops

roc-yea bro let mr go get dressed*goes up stairs n comes bak with basketball shorts on and no shirt*ready


ken-lmfaoo u a freak

me-wat I get it from u

ken-yea I bet

boys-*walk out*

ken-yo u want to go out to eat

me-yea neaveh u want to go out to eat

neaveh-yes mommy

(she 5 OK a longgg gap lol)

me-ok come on y'all


we go to friendlys for neaveh but they had a lil play ball thingy there n she went in

me-be careful

neaveh-ok mommy

Ken-so wats up girl

me-nun much u

ken-same here

me-girl what happened to u cheek it has a cut on it

ken-uhh ummm irk*lieing*

me-ik ur lieing tell me

ken-ok look don't tell I told u but ray.....hit me

me-wat when

Ken-on dat way Here


ken-becuz I asked him where he was n started yelling so he punched me

me-omg girl*hugs her* I swear my mom told me that boys was mean to be nice n luving n not hit on us

ken-us...Alana did Roc hit u

me-yea he slapped me cuz my x sent a dick pic to my phone n her seen


at home

ray-yo ken*yells her name*

roc-i don't think they here

ray-I told her about not telling me where she going I swear when we get home

roc-wat u going to do

ray-whoop her ass

roc-damn same her man but ima make sure neaveh sleep

ray-they going to get it tonight

roc-yo want to speed da night whooping them



ray-cool with me

we pull up n its 9:39pm

us-*walk in*

neaveh-mommy I'm going to bed good night

me-good night baby

neaveh-good night ken*rubs up stairs n goes to sleep*

boys-*come out with belts*

ken-hey uh wat y'all doing with belts


me-looks at Roc*

roc-u knows wats coming don't u


ken-then wat Is it

me-they r about to......whoop us


ray-*yells*get up stairs n get in dress I only want to see u n bras n underwear

us-*run up stair n gets un dress*

me-im scared

ken-me too how long does it last



we walk do stair and CUTTTTT lol

abuse me then luv me......i dont get it(MB rated r love story)Where stories live. Discover now