d.o (exo)

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~the stepdad chronicles~part 2

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~the stepdad chronicles~
part 2

december 20th
7:48 pm

following the incident with your ex, you felt the need of getting away from home. deciding to spend quality time with your boys, ice skating and dinner seemed like the right way to go.

your eldest son, chanyeol, gripped onto the edges of the rink, in hopes of keeping his lanky body upright. giggles and laughs escaped kyungsoo's lips as he trailed behind, anticipating chanyeol's fall.

on the other side of the park, your youngest son, jongin, and yourself beautifully glided along the ice. the crisp wind flicked your cool cheeks as you smiled at your son. he executed a small twirl perfectly and grabbed your hand, hoping to help you pick up speed.

looking ahead of you, the sight of chanyeol on the brink of falling made a laugh leave your mouth. kai released your hand as he sled over to his brother to position his back straight. chanyeol let out a dramatic sigh with shaky hands and legs.

"you're doing great yeol!" your husband smiled brightly and gawked at the interaction of your sons. racing to catch up to him, you locked arms with kyungsoo and began to skate at a much slower pace.

"we can have one together.." you whispered with a shy smile on your face. a faint chuckle could be heard from his lips as he blinked at you.

"you wouldn't mind having another kid" kyungsoo raised a brow.

biting the inside of your jaw, you looked ahead at your two sons, content written on your face. "if it's with you, i'd love that a lot" you giggled.

you scanned over the boys ahead of you and soon caught a glimpse of the fall that was yet to happen. chanyeol's leg suddenly gave out as he wobbled. he quickly gripped onto kai's arm, pulling his body downward as they both hit the hard ice.

"your boys are something special.." kyungsoo laughed as he raced to collect your sons.

after the countless falls and hours of sliding across the ice, your family strolled down the busy streets of the city towards a restaurant of your choice.


once you all were seated, the waiter took your orders and scurried back into the kitchen. taking a sip of your drink, you dozed off in thought about the men around you.

your two sons sat across from you as they scrolled through their phones, casually laughing and making jokes about kyungsoo who sat next to you. joining in their laughing session, he brought up the time that kai cried on his first day of high school. a flush of red crept across the youngest face as he elbowed his brother that laughed hysterically.

"chanyeol.. don't make fun of your brother when you went your entire sophomore year having a nightlight" kyungsoo added, resulting in an outburst from kai.

oh how much you loved your boys...

a slight pressure to your shoulders brought you back to reality as kyungsoo rested his arm around you. he gazed into your eyes and smiled softly. "what are you thinking about?"

you pursed your lips into a tight line and pushed his glasses on his nose. "i think we should have another one.." you spoke. looking in your eyes, kyungsoo searched for truth, but he found much more than that. he found commitment.

"another what?" a voice broke the silence between you and your husband. turning to face your sons, kai's orbs bore into yours as you released a heavy sigh. you wanted to keep this subject away from your kids, wanting it to be discussed in a more private and comfortable time. kyungsoo placed his hand on top of yours and sat up straight in the seat.

"another kid.."

soon there was nothing said. the only thing keeping the four of you sane was the delicious aroma of the restaurant and the waiter's gentleness with your food. as the last few 'thank yous' slipped from everyone's lips, you all dug in and the silence was back again.

the car ride home was full of blunt questions and short answered responses. your sons engaged themselves by blasting their music in hopes to ignore you and kyungsoo's small conversations.

plopping down into bed, your husband ran a hand through his now damp hair as he pulled back the covers and dived into the pillow. you put away your phone on the bedside table and switched off the lamp in the process. "they'll get over it soon babe.. it's not the end of the world soo" you spoke softly.

he turned to face you as he exhaled a deep breath of uneasiness. you pinched his cheek and smiled, leaning in to kiss his lips. "they think i'm trying to replace them" he said and wrapped an arm around your waist to snuggle into you.

"you've been a great father to them do kyungsoo. they love you and look up to you because you've always been there, every step of the way. just give it time.." you reassured him. he kissed you one last time before you both drifted off into your slumber.

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