Chapter 2

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(killua's P. O. V)

I woke up to the sun shining in my face. God why does the sun have to be so damn bright? I covered my eyes with my arm. I remembered last night. How I ran my fingers through gon's hair. I smelled something cooking in the kitchen.  I got out of bed with a tired expression on my face.

I walked to the kitchen and sat down at the small dining table. I looked up to see gon cooking breakfast.

"good morning killua, how did you sleep?" gon asked me with a blissful hum.

"um, good I guess. How 'bout you?" I asked him back.

"Great,  The bed was very comfortable. " gon exclaimed.

Gon was wearing a cute pink apron with little fries around it. My face started to get hot and gon started to blush and cover his face.  CRAP! Did he notice I was staring at him? Then I heard the small boy speak.

"what are you staring at?" gon muttered in his hands.

"oh,  sorry I blanked out. " I chuckled as I rubed the back of my head with my hand.

"alright. " gon said turning away from me to face the stove.

That was a close one.  If I keep this up he's bound to notice at some point. I just can't help but stare at him.  He's just so......... perfect and cute. Why do I have to feel this way.  At first it wasn't do bad.  I just thought I was having a boy crush and that it would pass. But as time went on I began to feel more and more attracted to gon.

"eat up killua, hehe." gon giggled with delight.

"thanks gon. " I said as I reached for the plate gon had handed to me.  The food looked so good. I was feeling super hungry so I gobbled it SL up in a matter of seconds. Gon's food tasted so good.

"oishii!" I purred as I put my hands up in the air. Gon just stood their admiring the cute noise I just made.

"oh my GOSH,  that was soooo cute killua." he chirped as he put his hand on his mouth.

Almost instantly I blushed redder than a fire hydrant.  My face felt do warm as I shouted at gon.

"BAKA!" I shouted, getting up for.  The table and running to my room. Gon  followed me after he shut off the stove. Gon can be such an idiot sometimes. I closed my door and not long after heard gon knock on my door. I flopped on the bed and told him to come in.

"what was that for killua?" gon pouted with his arms crossed.

"You were just being an idiot so I told you. " I said covering the real reason. 

"well it's. Not my fault you made a cute noise. I just responded, ok. " he argued.
"in other news,  I let aluka stay with zuchi for a while. " gon spoke kinda annoyed.
"ok,  well do you want you want to sit down?" I asked the greenete quietly.

"yeah. " gon sighed flopping down on my bed.

I lied beside gon for a few hours before drifting to sleep. I was so tired from staying up last night.

( gon's P. O. V) 

As I looked over at killua I heard a knock at the door. I slowly got out of the bed and walked over to the door.  As I opened the door I saw kurapika standing in the doorway.

"Oh my gosh, it's been so long since I have seen you. How have you been?"I asked,  surprised by the blond boys visit.

"fine gon.  Can I come in?" kurapika questioned me.

I obliged and led him to the living room. We both sat down on the floor and started chatting. After a few minutes of talking kurapika gave me a 
card with roses on it.

"me and leorio are hosting a party at our place, I was wondering if you and your roommate would like to come?" kurapika spoke with his normal tone.

"of course I'll be there!" I explained as I jumped up from my spot.

Kurapika got up from his spot on the floor and walked over to the door. We bowed to each other before smiled and left.  I shut the door and turned around to see killua standing there.

"who were you talking to?" The white haired male questioned. 

"AHH!" I squealed as I feel in fear.
"don't scare me like that killua,  I thought you were a stranger." I pouted by the fact that killua scared scared me.
"and just so you know it was kurapika,  he invited us to a party him and leorio are throwing." I groaned as I got up from the floor.

Maybe killua and I could finally have some time to hangout and have some fun together.  I blushed a heavy shade of pink just thinking about being that close to killua. He could just be so hot some times. It drives me crazy. I just wish he felt the sane way.

"Hey gon, when does the party start?" killua asked

"the party starts next Saturday at 6:00 pm. " I told him.

Killua nodded his head and suggest that we watch some TV for a bit.
Sorry this chapter is really short. I promise to make the other chapter longer. Thank u so much for reading and comment what you want to happen next in the comment. Have a good day/night/afternoon/evening.

author Chan.

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