Torture Chamber

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Once again Allura found herself in the nightmare, only this scene was more horrific than the last one. There were swirling and shifting blades, and sheep being hanged and sat on top of blades. As Allura began climbing, she noticed a new block with its top surface covered in blood.

She ran across and was horrified to see spikes sprung from the block. If she had stopped on top of it, they would have impaled her. She felt sick from the thought. Hurriedly regaining herself, she proceeded to climb, being careful of those spike trap blocks, unfortunately, causing to have be slow. Eventually, she made it to the top and breathed a sigh of relief.

"*Pant* *Pant* I made it!" She said relived, but the relief vanished, when the ground below her started collapsing. "Oh no!" She panicked. She quickly stood up and went to jump for the chain when she heard a guitar playing, accompanied by a strange blue light, and suddenly the tower stopped falling. "What the-?" She breathed. Quickly taking advantage of the situation, she jumped up and pulled the chain, and quickly climbed up the stairs to the landing.

When she got to the landing, she noticed someone sitting on a stool, playing a blue acoustic guitar. When she got closer, she was shocked to see it was Lance.

"Lance?!" Allura said surprised. "Wh-what are you doing here?!" She asked.

"Oh, Allura." The boy said when he noticed the woman. "I'm not sure what's going on, but... I found this cool guitar and just started playing." He replied. "But... What are you doing here? And why are you wearing a nightgown? I mean it's pretty, but..." the boy trailed off.

"Wha-?! H-hey! Stop starring!" The girl said embarrassed, then realized something. "Wait... Don't I look like a sheep to you?" She asked. Everybody saw each other as sheep here. Now that she thought about it, Lance didn't look like a sheep at all.

"A sheep? What are you talking about? There's no sheep here. Just people. They all seem really down and jittery though." Lance said.

"There's no time! Lance, you have to get out of here! This place is dangerous! If you stay you'll die!" Allura tried to warn.

"Die...?" The boy whispered then looked at the other sheep. "I see... that's why everyone's so scared. In that case..." He said and took up the guitar and started playing again. It wasn't as bad as last time, on the contrary it was quite the improvement. But was now really the time?

"L-Lance what are you doing?" Allura asked, confused.

"Music calms my heart. Even in a place like this. Maybe, it will help everyone else as well." He said and continued playing the instrument. Suddenly he was enveloped in light blue light, and vanished. Allura stood there shocked. What just happened?

"Lance?" Allura called quietly, but received no answer. What was that? "That music..." She whispered, she recognized it. "It was... the same... the same music I heard when the blocks stopped falling. Was it, because of Lance?" She asked. Allura was still confused, but she had no time to dwell on the situation. She quickly walked up to the other sheep. They were slumped on the ground, and wearing a purple jacket. She walked up to them and began talking.

"That... Guitar player, just vanished. *Sigh* And just when I thought I found another human being in this goddamn place!" They groaned. Judging from their voice they were male. "Hey! You!" The Purple Jacket Sheep said when he noticed Allura. "I'll give as much money as you want, just get me out of this place!" He offered, but Allura had no way to help.

"I'm sorry. I don't how to get out of here myself." She replied.

"How dare to speak to me like that! You're just a sheep! I'm the heir to a big company! I'm a VIP! Why am I even bothering talking to you!?" He huffed and began ignoring her. Allura could tell she wasn't going to get anywhere with this guy, so she left him, and walked over to the Merchant Sheep.

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