Chapter 1

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There is a truth that everyone knows in life, something that you learn in life, and take with you to the grave.

Actions have consequences.

But in her case, she was paying for someone else's actions.

She shifted, trying to get some feeling back into her foot, the soft rattle of the chain attached to her foot the only sound in the early morning.

The animals where quiet, knowing evil had invaded their territory.

She glanced up just in time to see a bird fly past her cage. Her heart ached with longing.

She wished to be free. To leave this hell hole and fly away, never looking back.

"Here is your food, girl." Itzel snarled, approaching. He slid a plate full of slop towards her, the dark grey sludge jiggling.

She just stared at it. Disgusting. But it was the only food she will get for the night, so she crawled over and started shoveling the food into her mouth.

It tasted disgusting, but it has gotten her threw all these years and she was still alive.


Itzel snarled at her and left. She didn't care.

As soon as the plate was cleaned, she went back into her corner, huddling. Her arms wrapped around her knees, head down, trying to gain some warmth.

She lost her blanket as a punishment for trying to starve herself.

She watched as the sun came up, the rays outlining the forest of trees surrounding them.

Soon, people will be lining up, paying money to see "dales amazing circus" with exotic animal acts from all over the world.

But the actual number of animals he owns is one. Me.

"let's go, let's go, we have a show to preform!" dales booming voice echoed. Her cage opened, and she slipped out, the grass cold and wet against her bare feet.

She shakily started to follow the rising "clowns," small people who wore makeup that mostly resembled a melting clown, with dirty red nose and tattered clothes. They mostly smelled like alcohol, and tobacco.

They all approached the large tent in the center, dirty and ratted like everything else here.

They had come to the small location outside of the village, just the other day, after a month of traveling. Traveling was the worst time. meals where far and few in between, and she never knew what type of climate she is coming into. She only had ratty shorts and a tank top to wear the only to her name.

They entered the tent through the back, into the change room. the clowns went to their assigned spot, the women from the doxies already there, talking and smoking.

The magician was trying to flirt with one of them, the lady laughing and petting his chest.

She didn't have an assigned spot. Only a small box to put her clothes.

Dale strode into the tent, the only person with clothes that looked brand new. Expensive, brand new. Deep red coat pulled in his doughy stomach, black pants with an expensive gold chain that went from his breast into his back pocket. A golden monticule, with diamonds around the rim showcased his steel grey eye, and a black top hat with ruby sets hid his thinning oily blond hair.

"alright ladies, gents, new town, new people. Clowns, you know what to do. Mingle with the crowd, entertain, and most importantly, don't get caught. Ladies, flirt. Bring in that money. As for the show, rehearsal! Don't mess up." he turned towards her, standing with her arms in front of her.

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