Chapter 3

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She slowly came awake to a delicious smell.

Moaning, she shifted, then hissed as her ribs and arm started to ache.

"don't move to fast, honey. I just got the swelling down, and you don't want those stitches to tear." a warm voice called.

Panic burst, and she sat up. maybe to quickly as her surroundings started to spin.

Her stomach started to flip flop and sweat suddenly beaded on her forehead as she looked around for something to be sick in.

"oh honey, I told you not to move." The same voice chastised, and a plump woman came out of a room opposite her, carrying two bowls, one hot, one cold.

She was short, maybe as short at herself, large in every area, but with kind eyes, and gentle blue eyes. her peppered hair, a blend of black and silver, was put up on top of her head, several tendrils running down her face.

She wore a plain black dress, with a white apron smeared with a mix of green and brown.

Her surroundings where clean, and she realized with a start, in a house.

With wooden walls, and furniture surrounding this room. she noticed a silver wolf trailing the women as she came near her.

We are friends. The voice whispered in her mind, and she knew it came from the wolf. She frowned.

Who are you?

Friend. She said simply. The cushion dipped beside her, and her attention was snatched to the women.

"this one is for you to eat." She said, handing me the cold bowl. "it will help you heal faster. This one will help your wounds heal, and kill any infection." Frowning, she looked at the brown gloop.

She sent the women a questioning gaze.

She noticed while wringing out the cloth. "its pudding. Chocolate." She added. "go ahead. It is good." She took a small spoonful and put a small amount on the tip of her tongue.

She moaned at the taste. It was so good!

The lady used the distraction to place the warm cloth on her wound, the water stinging her arm.

"sorry love. it is going to hurt a little bit. Keep eating. You will feel better." The wolf sat in front of them, staring at her with pure blue eyes.

"w-who are.." she tried to vocalize. It sounded like she had a mouth full of cotton. After years of non-use, it didn't even sound intelligible

"my name is Kelis, and her name is storm." She said. Kelis lifted her shirt, and it was at that moment, she noticed that she was wearing a clean shirt, and what felt like loose pants.

"what... wearing?"

"I found some clothes from the villagers who are about your size. They gave me some for you. we couldn't allow you to walk around the bare nude."

She frowned. "how... here?"

"I had a vision I should be in that meadow. Arrived just after you had passed out. But I'm getting to old to be hiking back and forth that distance." She said cheerily. Storm barked in agreement.

We find you. we carry you back. she scowled.

"vision?... as in... seeing?" she asked. Kelis chuckled and pulled the shirt down.

"not seeing exactly. More like, I dreamed that someone needed my help, and in that dream I was able to tell where I had to be." Still not completely grasping the words, she continued to eat the goop.

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