Chapter 1

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       A breeze rustled the treetops, whose leaves were green. The undergrowth was rich with life, the sunshine filtered through the branches and poured onto the forest floor. Tucked away in a stone hollow, with tall protective cliff faces, lived a Clan of cats whose muscles rippled beneath their pelts with strength.
         Three kits tumbled in the soft dirt, playing together. Their mother, a pretty white she-cat with brown and gray flecks, sat outside a woven bramble den. She stood as her kits tussled, and lashed her tail.
"Puddlekit! Tigerkit! Ryekit!" Their mother scolded. "You're getting dirty. I'll have to rewash your fur."
The light brown she-kit shook out her pelt, tufty white neck fur full of dirt. "But Ryekit was being a fox, and Puddlekit was helping me fight him off," the she-kit explained, frustration in her voice.
"Come here, Tigerkit," the white queen waved her tail. She started grooming her daughter, who scowled at her paws.
The creamy-white tom-kit waggled his haunches, orange fur on his back gleaming in the sunshine, and his dark ginger paws made it look like he had walked through mud. He prepared to jump on his brother, but stoped at his mother's call. "Don't even think about it, Ryekit."
The final kit was light gray with a dark stripe down his back and had a tabby tail. His eyes glistened with thoughtfulness as he turned over a leaf in his claws. "Puddlekit!"
Puddlekit perked his ears, but kept examining the jagged edges of the leaf.
Snapping his head around, Puddlekit saw his mother gazing at him with stern eyes. Turning away from his leaf, he padded in her direction. "Coming, Ravenflower!"
As Ravenflower washed Puddlekit's pelt, their father approached; a pale tabby tom with white patches. "It's time," he gazed down at his three kits.
"Do you think they look okay, Speckleblotch?" Ravenflower's tone was worried.
Speckleblotch gave his mate a reassuring nod, and guided his kits with a pale tabby tail away from the nursery. Puddlekit gazed around, realizing how many cats were looking at him and his siblings.
Speckleblotch led them to a cat with a pretty dappled coat with gleaming blue eyes. Dapplestar, Puddlekit recognized his leader. In fact, he knew the names of all the cats in his Clan. He was very observant of what was going on around him, though it was easy for him to get distracted. His brother Ryekit was active and couldn't wait to become an apprentice. Tigerkit was headstrong and determined, no cat could stop her from accomplishing something that she was passionate about. While Puddlekit had a thoughtful and observant mind, and paid attention to small details. In his head he liked to pretend he was deputy, coming up with his own battle plans and hunting patrols.
Puddlekit was snapped out of his thoughts when Dapplestar called him forward. He glanced at his siblings who stood off to the side. Ryekit was standing beside a gray tom with thick fur, the warrior Smallolive. And Tigerkit was standing with Firefeather, a ginger she-cat with blue eyes.
They must be Ryepaw and Tigerpaw now. I missed their ceremony.
Dapplestar raised her head. "From this moment on you will be known as Puddlepaw. Halfear will be your mentor. May she teach you all you need to know."
Halfear, a dark brown tabby with a torn ear, came to touch noses with Puddlepaw. After the ceremony, Ravenflower and Speckleblotch congratulated their kits.
Speckleblotch looked his kits over in turn. "I can't wait until you become warriors," he stated proudly. "Your mother and I have already discussed your futures. Ryepaw, you are built to be great in battle. You will be able to pass on your skills; you would make a great leader one day."
Puddlepaw glanced at his cream and ginger brother, and could see hesitance in his expression. Puddlepaw knew Ryepaw would hate the responsibility of being leader. He'd rather be in the midst of battle, or out hunting or training alongside Clanmates.
Ravenflower chimed in. "Tigerpaw, as soon as you become a warrior we'd like you to settle down and have kits. You would make a fine queen."
Puddlepaw could see the reproach light in his sister's blue eyes. She was about to protest, when Ravenflower cut her off. "It's what I did as soon as I became a warrior. Helping your Clan grow is very important."
Speckleblotch nodded agreeement, and turned next to Puddlepaw. Please say deputy, he thought. Puddlepaw knew his well-thought out plans would benefit ThunderClan one day.
"Puddlepaw, your mother and I think you would be a great medicine cat, if you'll consider it," Speckleblotch continued. "You can meet Patchwish and learn so much from her. All we want from our kits is to be successful in the best way they can."
Puddlepaw was appalled. He never dreamed of being a medicine cat. Tigerpaw had been interested for a while, but decided it wasn't right for her. Puddlepaw thought he would best suit the role of deputy, not a medicine cat.
Before Ravenflower and Speckleblotch could continue any further, Halfear padded up. "You'd better come and find a spot in the apprentice's den. You'll also need to meet your knew denmates."
Puddlepaw turned away from his parents, baffled by their conversation. Why couldn't he choose for himself what he'd like to do? His parents couldn't be serious. He was too young to be thinking about what he wanted to be, anyways. He had only just been made an apprentice.
He could become a medicine cat after warrior training, if he wanted too, but he couldn't go back to being a warrior if he fell into his father now. I'll train as a warrior, and prove I'm worthy and have the skills of a deputy. But how can I go against my parent's wishes?
He knew Tigerpaw would stand up for how she felt, and if she did Ryepaw would follow suit. But Puddlepaw didn't know if he would be able to bring himself to stand up for what he wanted.
I only hope Speckleblotch wasn't serious, and that it was only wishful thinking.

WARRIORS : Calling Darkness [Book 1] Swept AwayWhere stories live. Discover now