Chapter 9 sickness

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Well look who updated , sorry it's been so long.

"It's ok B ,calm down"Quinn said to a crying Beth at 2 in the morning ,Beth was sick and her temperature was no going down Quinn had tried everything nothing was working.

"Quinn" Ann (Mercedes mom) said

O no Quinn though she has woken every one up.

"What's going on" Ann continued

"She won't sleep and her temperature won't go down ,it's still at 38 degrees I have tried everything " Quinn said bouncing Beth as she continued to cry.

"How about we take Beth to the hospital" Ann said

"Ok" Quinn said worried

"Ok let me just put my shoes on, Do you want to call Puck"? Ann asked

"No, I will worry about him later" Quinn said even though she had wanted to call him about 2 hours earlier when Beth had started not to settle.


"She has a bad ear infection,give her these once a day and she should be better in a few days" the doctor said handing Quinn a bottle of medicine.

"Thank you" Quinn said to the doctor

"I really think you should tell Puck about this ,you don't want him to find out by someone else" Ann said as she was driving them home.

"I will tell him tomorrow which is now today" even though Quinn had no intent of telling him as she thought he was to occupied with a new chick every five minutes.

"That's good now let's get home" Ann said as they reached the driveway.

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