kio c - cookies

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The sound of christmas music playing playing in the backround while Kio and i decorated for christmas. And just laughing at the stupid things he says, it just makes me so happy. Getting to cuddle up to the fire place while drinking hot chocolate and watching our favourite christmas movies like 'home alone'. The tree decorating was soo much fun.

There was one more thing we had to add to the tree the star. How could anyone forget the star.

Kio: heres the star.
He handed me the star and i grab it, he gently lifts me up and i put the star on the top. He brings me down a bit and i kiss his lips, i pulled away but he wanted more. Typical. I push him away and jump down

Kio: umm i wasn't done
I rolled my eyes

Y/n: we should make cookies
I ignored his comment

I walk over to the kitchen, i got all the ingredients and hes get the supplies. I put in the flour and kio turned on the mixer

Y/n: kio don't put it on h-

Kio: oops
He nervously spoke


We eventually got the cookies in the oven after cleaning the mess that kio made

Kio: well that didn't go well
I rolled my eyes jokingly

Kio: i know another way to make you roll your eyes
He smirk and pulled my waist closer to him

It finally registered to me. I smacked his chest.


We sat on the couch for a bit watching 'home alone' when i smelled something

Y/n: do you smell something burning?

Kio: the cookies!
We both ran to the kitchen trying turn off the oven with all the smoke in the air. The smoke went away.

Y/n: that was a distaster
We both burst into laughter, after 10 minutes of laughing i finally calmed down

Kio: lets go watch a movie
He said grabbing my hand guiding me to the living room.


I will be doing more holiday themes with other boys but i didn't have any ideas so i did cookies with kio because why not.

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Dec 8, 2019

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