multi choice thing

15 0 0

Sorry but this one is gonna be short.also I did make the tiny drawing!!

Y/N pov.))

I am at Thomas' house hanging out with him and his side's. Thomas just recently told and showed me his side's and since then I always come by to visit all of them!

They are all super kind and over time I've gotten a little crush on (sides name). I don't know what it is about them but they seem different than the others.

I've told Thomas about my crush on (sides name) and he told me more about them!


Me and Thomas were editing one of his videos in his room when we both got hungry. Neither of us really wanted to go get up to get something so we played a game of rock, paper, sciccors. Thomas won so I had to go downstairs to get us something to eat

I was walking into Thomas' kitchen to get a snack for me and Thomas thinking about what I should get us that I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings. Once I made it to the bottom of the stairs I tripped and (sides name) caught me.

Time taken: 10 minutes (I told you, short)

Words: 205

sanders sides + Thomas  one shots Where stories live. Discover now