Moving Through the Monster's Lair

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The door opens slowly, Tord peeking his face out to check the area. It was quiet, no sound of footsteps or anything. Coast was clear.

He gives a nod to the group and they make their way out of the basement and down the hall.

"So Tord, where exactly is your office?" asked Edd.

"It's on the top floor, but the only elevator that goes there is on the tenth floor, for some reason the guy who designed this building thought it'd be a good idea to have three elevators that only go up about five floors each." grumbled Tord.

Tom sighs, why would anyone design a building like that? Well, minus Sims players.

"Okay, so we just need to sneak past the guards and get into three elevators, shouldn't be too hard." said Tom.

"You forget the soldiers, they are trained to kill, even though Tord is the real Red Leader, they're obviously loyal to the new one, that won't save us." said Paul.

"Not to mention the fusions, they're completely under this Red Leader's control, and unless we know how the collars work, we can't risk harming them." said Patryk.

Tord sighs, there was a shit ton of obstacles to get through, but all they need to do is take down the leader and Rodrick, after that, they'll figure something out. Now to just get to the first elevator.

As the devil horned man looks at his friend's, his starts to sweat.

"Edd, where's Matt?" asked Tord.

The green hooded man looks to where his boyfriend should be but sees no sigh of the ginger moron.

"Uh, ether he walked off and found trouble, or he's found a mirror." said Edd.

Everyone panics when Matt returns, hold five mirrors.

"I found mirrors, and boy do I look good." gushed Matt.

"You idiot, you could have killed us all!" growled Tord.

"What, no I didn't, isn't that right armed robot guards?" asked Matt.

The groups eyes widen as behind the ginger man was three different armed robots.

"Dammit Edd, you didn't say Matt would do both!" yelled Tom.

"Hey, just because I'm dating him, doesn't make me a babysitter." argued Edd.

"Actually it does." said Tord.

"Oh, well this is why I have no I have kids, oh no, Matt, I lost the kids!" yelled Edd.

"NO, WHY EDD, WHY?!" cried Matt.

"Dumbasses, you don't have kids!" yelled Tom.

"But what if I did and we forgot, I'm a horrible mother!" sobbed Edd.

Meanwhile with the robots, their blasters were aimed but they didn't fire. They just watched.

"Should we shoot now?" asked Robot 1.

"No way, this is hilarious, when are we going to get this kind of random entertainment again?" laughed Robot 2.

"Honestly, I think that green guy would make a good parent." said Robot 3.

The first two robots stare at the third to shake their heads.

"You are such a bleeding circuit." said Robot 2.

"Get off my back junkhead, not my fault I have these emotional functions." said Robot 3.

"Yes it is, you were supposed to have them check, what's wrong, you scared of Ms. Cold unfeeling robot arm?" asked Robot 1.

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