It's Over, isn't it?

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Tord growls loudly as he slams into the force field of the cell. He bounces back to slide across the ground painfully but gets back up to run at it again.

All the cells on the prison ward have been changed from bars to force fields, making escape possible only from the outside.

Tord cries out as he flys back, almost landing on Paul and Patryk.

"Tord, that's enough, you're not going to break the field, it's too strong." said Paul.

"Shut up, I'm getting out here, killing Tori and saving my friends and boyfriend!" yelled Tord.

"But the field has no weak spot, no small opening, the only way pout is if someone opens it from the outside." said Patryk.

The devil horned man snarls to walk to the field, punching it. The two former soldiers watch before sharing a worried look.

Tord keeps punching and hitting the field before his hits slow down. The two watch as he slides down, landing on his knees to lean over, fists now on the ground.

"Sir, you calming down now?" asked Paul.

Silence greets him and with a nod from his partner, the bushy brow man gets up to walk to his leader.

"Tord?" he asked.

Getting closer, he is stunned. Tord was shaking with tears rolling down his face.

"This is all my fault." cried Tord.

"What, no way sire." said Paul.

"Is is, don't you see!" yelled Tord, jumping to his feet.

Patryk is shocked to see his leader, a man who was always strong in the face of all situations, was crying.

"I started the Red Army, I made those plans for cloning, I took Wheat in, I lead us all into a trap, and now I let my friends get captured to be turned into a fusion and slave and who knows what will happen to Tom, it was all ME, I CAUSED ALL OF THIS!" yelled Tord.

He closes his eyes, crying harder to grab his arms to stop the shaking.

"I lost my friend and boyfriend, and I cost us our lives, it's all my fault." sobbed Tord.

The two soldiers share a scared look before Paul walks back to his partner, both unsure what to do as Tord cries. They have no idea what to do at all, Tord was defeated.

What could they do now?


"Let us go, you can't do this!" yelled Edd.

He and Matt were back in the lab with robots as well as a few scientists.

"We can, the collars make it possible." said a woman with a tag reading Dr. Welsh.

"Doesn't make it right." said Matt.

He and Edd were both strapped to a table in a spread eagle position. Dr. Welsh ignores them as a blonde man walks over with the collars.

"Is this really right?" asked the man.

Edd looks to this man, he wasn't like the others, he was questioning. Edd looks to the man to see his tag read Waylon Park.

"Mr. Park, this is what is needed to command the world, it is what Red Leader wishes, and whatever she wants, she gets." said Welsh.

She pauses in her work to look at the sandy blonde haired man.

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