Chapter 27

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It's that time of the year again, where it's raining heavily, and storming loudly, at the moment I'm at my house, after everything that happened with Professor Dumbledore, and my father that night, which I still know nothing about, they also never said a word to me about any thing going on with me.

It's my birthday today, which im not looking foreword to. I'll be 13, which means im at  my third year at Hogwarts this year, that will be starting in a week from now.

Like usual my father doesn't care, that I am growing up in front of him without a mother that guides me through.

At the moment, im sitting alone on the window seat at my room, watching the rain as it falls heavily on my window.

Suddenly my father barged in, like a mad man, roaming his eyes around the room looking for me. When his eyes caught mine, I instantly know its not going to end well.

I'll never forget what he did to me last year...
I cowered back to the back corner of the room, with the fear of repeating that night again.

"You!" He sneered, marching to me until he came face to face with me, with that position, I could smell alcohol radiating off of him.

"D-dad?" I stuttered.
I looked away, I cant look in his eyes, I whimpered I can't take another beating, I'm tired already.
My nightmares are enough to keep me in pain at all times.

I caught up with my thoughts, i didn't see his fist coming closer to my face.
He landed his first punch at my face, even though I'm in pain, I managed to notice he can't keep his fist straight, his punch was sloppy.

I regained my strength, and hold him still as he almost dropped to the floor, and looked in his eyes.

"You miss her don't you?" I whispered sadly.
He looked at me with the look of fear... fear of emotions.
A single tear glided on his cheek. I gasped.

For the first time I see him like this so...weak, so vulnerable.

I wiped off his tear, looking straight into his bloodshot eyes.
All of a sudden he came to his senses. His eyes harden as his eyes bore into mine.

"It's all your fault." He sneered. Before I could defend myself. He caught my neck with his hands, choking me, I tried pushing him off... but i couldn't.
He's much more stronger, I frankly move in his arms, trying to get out of his arms.

Black spots invaded my vision, with my last breath i croaked "D-dad".

I can barely hold conscious. Suddenly... he let me go.

I fell to the ground clutching my neck, trying to get air through. I started a coughing fit, as I was coughing my heart out, I looked at father, he looked... hurt.

I regulated my breath, as he stormed out of the room, and smashed the door behind him.

I choked on a sob, I quickly put both on my hands on my mouth to keep the whimpers from coming out, I don't want him to get more angry.

Why is he doing this to him self? ... and to me?
He's hurting us both.

It took me a couple of minutes to get back to my senses, reached my bed, laying flat on my back,
Thoughts running through my head, I'm sure he didn't mean it... I mean he was drunk, he never actually tried to kill me before he usually just torture me with curses and occasionally some punches, but not this time.

I put a hand on my neck, still feeling his grip there, i sighed, wiped my tear stained face, turned around and closed my eyes drifting off.
Same old same old birthday.

˚ . * . · · ✧ ˚ . * · · * . ⋆・゚。 . ・゚˚ . · · ✧

I woke up aching all over, my throat is extremely dry, and it hurt moving my neck. With a whimper I slid off my bed without moving my head, I reached the bathroom that is connected to my room,clutching  the walls as I got through the wall.

My legs are trembling beneath my weight, they are barley holding me up, I  quickly put both of my hands on the sink to keep me from falling.

I lift my head up to look at the mirror that is above the sink, to see a beaten up young girl with a beautiful violet pair of eyes, with matching colored hair.

I kept looking further down to my neck, it's badly bruised with hand marks on it, I try to touch it,
I immediately flinched, it hurts so much. I cant look at myself any longer.

I moved my whole body, trying not to do pressure on my neck, I did my business, took a shower, trying to do minimum movement, so that it won't hurt as much.


After I'm done, I wore some clothes that match this freezing weather.
It's 8 in the morning, it's fathers time to get up, have his coffee and read his paper, I opened my bedrooms door, tiptoeing down the stairs, clutching the walls as I go down.
I made it to the last step, before I step inside the living room, I peeked my head through to look at fathers usual chair, to see.. in fact is empty. No coffee, no paper... nothing.

I was relieved yet scared at the same time.
I kept walking straight to the kitchen to see if he's there... nope he's not there either.

I began getting more worried, where could he be?
Maybe in his room?... impossible he never usually stay in bed for this hour.
I sighed, I guess I have to check.

I got up the stairs again, his room is right across from mine. I put my ear on the door trying to hear something... again, nothing.

This time I knocked... also no response.
Finally I grabbed the door handle, surprisingly it's unlocked.

I peeked inside, confusion on my face, he's... still asleep.
I scratched my head in confusion. Why would he...?

I gasped, I remember he was drunk last night, I looked at the bump on the bed, with his chest falling up and down slowly. I sighed, even though he hates me, and hurt me, he's still my father.

He's just sad, he lost his wife, he thinks it's my fault, but I don't remember what happened.

I took one last look at him, walking in slow pace to get him some muggle medicine that we have in the house with some water.
I placed them on the counter near his head, as steady as my trembling hand can.

I glanced at him, took in his features, his hair covering his face, he looks so... peaceful.
I brushed some black locks from his eyes.
I giggled I never know why his hair is always greasy.

Suddenly he stirred, catching me off guard, I immediately retreat my hand from his face.

I looked at him waiting for him to scream at me.
But he never did... he's just turning over.
I sighed in relief, I quickly ran out of his room, closed the door as quietly as possible.

Well, that went well.

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