Chapter One

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Author's Note: This story was supposed to be a novel but I decided to make it a short story, instead. I hope you enjoy reading. :)


Chapter 1

Blue skies, wispy clouds and the sun spreading its rays. A bird flies, soaring proud like it's the end of this race with the clouds and the sun's rays.

I was bizarrely analyzing them when someone broke my concentration. I did not know what had happened to me, lately. I would just stare at something and I would begin rhyming weird stuff.

"Antoinette!" And he grabbed me just like that.

I was forced to go with him. I hated it when he fancies a lot of things.

We reached the entrance of the building. We saw students piling up down the hallway. We hid on the left side of the lobby as if we were spies.

"Look! I said, look at her." I nodded, uninterested. "What do you think?" he said, his eyes were like stars twinkling, dreamy; his lips were stretched from ear to ear.

I walked back to where I was earlier and answered with a lack of interest, "Stephan, how many times do I have to tell you, stop collecting girls! I'll buy you Barbie dolls if you want, just don't collect the live ones."

His eyes widened. He walked briskly in my direction and sealed my mouth with his hand.

Why did he look surprised? I always say that to him.

I took hold of my bag and started to walk toward the building.

"Hey! First of all, I don't collect girls, they come to me; I'm just kind enough to entertain them. And second, is it my fault that your best friend is so handsome?" He laughed proudly and stopped after seeing my crossed eyebrows. He knew I didn't like him defending himself with those ridiculous explanations. "Okay. Now, I'm serious. What do you think of her?" he asked, pointing at the girl but with his eyes still on me.

He looked seemingly different with this one than those he used to date. For the first time, he really looked dead serious about a girl. It seemed that he was so eager to get her.

"What number is she again in the list of your victims this year? Last time I checked, we're just in the third month of this year and you've already dated, how many? 20?40?60? Stephan, stop playing with their hearts. They're innocent," I said. I didn't know what to feel that time. Irritated? Doubtful? Happy? I didn't know.

If he was not my best friend, I would really think he was ruthless for making hundreds of girls cry every year. I was serious with that quantity. And it made me sick! How could he manage to do that when his best friend was also a girl?

"Toinette, this one's different, really," he said. He was back in his relaxed expression. I couldn't see any crease on his face. It was plain, not happy nor mad. "This would be the last, I swear." He raised his hand in effect of his pledge.

"I don't think so. I heard that from you many times now," I said, walking inside the classroom. I knew he would still insist what he knows was true.

This was him. He would date too many girls but, one at a time. It just happened that he couldn't find his perfect match that was why, he was still in search of this lucky girl.

"I am sure with this one now, really. So, what do you think?" He grinned. I didn't like him grinning. He looked stunning when he smiled; all innocent, even though he was far from it. Sometimes, when he did, I could almost confuse him for an angel though I knew in reality I was way off.

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