Final Choice

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"Ow!" Sara exclaimed, gently rubbing her head.

"Oh my gosh! Sara! I'm so sorry, I didn't realise it was you." Ava said dropping to the ground beside her girlfriend and helping her sit up. "I thought it was going to be a League member trying to take me somewhere."

"It's okay." Sara muttered. "I'd say you hit like a girl, but you really don't."

Ava chuckled and pulled Sara to her feet. Then silence fell. Sara stared down at the ground feeling slightly awkward.

"Ava..." She started, at the same time Ava said,


"You go first." Sara said, hoping that Ava's speech might give her an idea of where they stood with each other.

"Okay...." Ava said slowly, "I like you Sara. I like you a lot. I thought you felt the same. But every interaction you have had with Nyssa since we arrived tells me the opposite."

"I haven't thought about Nyssa in years. I just wasn't expecting to see her here."

"But you still like her, don't you?"

"Yeah, maybe, yeah." Sara couldn't bring herself to look at Ava. "I still care about you though. That hasn't changed."

"I know, but it isn't the same. You love her. I can see it in your eyes."

"Ava," Sara started, "I never meant to hurt you. I think I would have fallen in love with you eventually."

"I agree." Ava said. "I think it's best if I go."

"I should probably come too. Time lines and all."

"So, you're choosing her." Nyssa said appearing in the doorway.

"I'm choosing the timeline. If I stay here with you, there will be two version of me in 2018. It could create a paradox. It's too dangerous."

"So, what happens now?" Ava questioned.

"We find a way back to 2019. After that, no idea."

"Goodbye then, Beloved." Nyssa said softly. "I will see to it that any materials you need for your return are brought to you."

"Nyssa," Sara whispered, crossing the room. "Maybe this doesn't have to be goodbye. I just found you again."

"Then I shall wait a year, Ta-er al-Sahfer. If I see you again, I will know your answer to my question." Nyssa kissed Sara gently before leaving the two other women alone.


"We should work on contacting the Waverider." Ava said sharply. "Unless you know how to fix a time courier with an arrow through it."

"Waverider. Got it."

The two worked in silence as they gathered all the necessary items needed for a transmitter to contact their friends. It wasn't long before the Waverider had been hailed and the two were on their way home.

Neither one spoke to the other until they were landed in 2019, parked outside Ava's apartment.

"Goodbye, Sara." Ava said.

"I'm sorry."

"I just need time." Ava replied. "Maybe soon we can talk about this, but for now I need space. Goodbye, Miss Lance."

"Goodbye, Director."

Sara headed to her room on the time ship and lay down on the bed. She had a choice to make. She could carry on here like she had been and hope things better her and Ava would sort themselves out, or she could pack a bag and head to 2019 Nanda Parbat. She laid there for several more minutes before pulling her rucksack out from under her bed.

Nyssa was her past, but she was also the most real thing Sara had ever felt. It was time to see if Nyssa could be her future as well.

* * *

She met Nyssa on the steps of Nanda Parbat, their lips crushing together in a passionate kiss.

"Welcome home, Ta-er al-Sahfer."

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