Chapter 1

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"The plane bound from Austin, Texas to Seoul, South Korea will be departing shortly. We ask that all passengers on this flight head to Gate 41." A woman's voice said over the intercom.

I looked down at my ticket and saw that this was my flight. Grabbing my one carry on bag and purse, I head to Gate 41, making sure not to run into anyone. Before I can make it to my gate, my phone rings.

"Yes bestie?" I answer the call not having to look at the phone knowing who it is, Lilly Rae, my best friend.

"Have you gotten on your flight yet?" She asks me. I can tell she's sad by her voice.

"No, not yet. I'm on the way to my gate now." I pause at the gate, handing the woman my ticket. She checks to make sure I'm supposed to be on this flight before handing the ticket back to me and wishing me to have a great flight. "I'm getting on the flight now. Is there a reason you called me?"

"No, I'm just going to miss you." She says holding back her tears. "You're my only friend."

Holding back my own tears, I try to make her happier. "Look, if I ask my uncle, maybe he can talk to your parents about seeing if you can come up here. How would that make you feel?"

"Really!? She squeals in happiness. "If you can make that happen, I would be your slave for life!"

"We'll see if he allows it first." I step on the plane and hand my ticket to the flight attendant and she points me in the right direction. "Lilly, I have to hang up now. I love you bestie."

"Love you too. Have a fun flight Penelope." She tells me, happier than she was when she first called me.

We hang up and I head in the direction the flight attendant pointed to find my seat. When I get to the seats, no one is sitting there yet, so I quickly sit down and put my bag under the seat. As the plane is beginning to fill up more and more, a mother and her child take the seats beside me, after putting their bags in the overhead compartment.

"What's your name?" The little girl asks me with curiosity.

"Penelope, you?" I tell her with a smile on my face.

"My name is Joo-hee and this is my mom Sa-Ra. You have a pretty name." She smiles at me and I can see the gap where she just lost a tooth.

"So do you." We all fall silent as the flight attendants show us the way to work the seatbelts (mainly for the children) and what to do in case of an emergency. After they finish, the door shuts and the plane starts up.

"Thank you for choosing this flight. We will be lifting off in a moment and will experience turbulence, so we asks that you remain in your seat until the fasten seatbelt sign goes off." The voice begins to deliver the message in the other languages and then we're taking off.

There was mild turbulence and the fasten seatbelt sign turns off, so people unbuckle their belts and relax. Joo-hee and Sa-Ra both curl up together and fall asleep. I take my iPod out of my purse and turn it on and begin to listening to my favorites playlist. Sometime between Make It Right by BTS and Cinderella by CNBlue, I fall asleep.

A few hours later

I wake up as the attendants are walking up and down the aisles telling people to buckle up. I'd never even unfastened my belt, so I looked to Joo-hee and Sa-Ra to see they are both sleeping. Shaking them awake, I tell them to buckle up and they comply.

"Thank you for waking us up." Sa-Ra tells me and makes sure Joo-hee is all right.

"It's no problem." I turn to look out the window as the plane is beginning its descent. All of Seoul is spread out below me and it blows my mind. There's no way I'll be able to find my way around, I'll get lost.

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