9 des, ni, maddie, kenzie

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destiny pov

i couldn't sleep, with the new found information about my mother in law.. my thoughts was running wild. i knew plenty of people who died before but never have i ever loved them

lily is what keeps us together, without her i'm sure everyone will be lost...

i cant think straight! i cant sleep! not that i could anyway

why her. she has so much to live for why..... why!

the fact that shes not trying to live makes me mad at her! we need her.. fuck it i need her, shes the only mother figure i have! she knows this! i have to get her to fight! i have too


Nicole pov

breast cancer.

stage two.

lily was dying, its currently two in the morning.. the silence was killing me so much i couldn't sleep. how am i suppose to keep this from Nathan... his mother! my rock! without her i wouldn't be able to make it around here!

we came so far for something like this to happen! she has to fight! i need her to fight!


maddie pov

my mother is dying! and she excepts me to keep quiet from everyone! i hate her for not trying to fight! i hate that's shes leaving me here on earth by myself! i fucking hate it...

"you awake?"

"you know i couldn't sleep" i whispered to the boy sitting on my window sill

"can i lay with you tonight?" he asked

"you have to go! we cant keep doing this"

"but your my mate"

"but your in love with someone else Justin"

"it will soon change"

"when she finds out you were keeping tabs on her for my father! shes gonna be hurt"

"then she cant know"

i look my mate in the eyes.. i always image this! but finding out your mate was in love with your Luna is gees i don't know hurtful

"Was it you in the woods?"

"Yes, I didn't mean to cause trouble"

"We're did you go?"

"I crossed the broader, I just got back tonight"

"I hate that we have to seek around! But until you get things fixed with Nicole! And tell her about you! I can't be around you"

"Maddie, I'm sorry"

"just fix it, I've waited to long just for it to be messed up"

"how she wont even answer my calls"

"i got that covered! just call tomorrow at 2 sharp"

"can i kiss you now?"

"not when your heart still beats for my Luna"

"it doesn't, my feelings for Nicole are friend wise"


"i promise"


kenzie pov

everything just feel so wrong, like its the end of the world.

my aunt is dying, after taking me in when my mother and father died by a rogue attack and my brother was kidnapped...i couldnt be grateful for my aunt.

the moon goddess picked a good mate for my uncle jack! there so in love! but when shes dies its going to tear him apart!

shes just giving up on him, on us! shes the one who keeps us together! we need lily

a knock took me out my train of thought

"kenzie its me ...destiny"

opening the door destiny had her pillow and blanket"

"i couldnt sleep"

"me either... come in! your snacks are still in here"

we layed down staring at the ceiling

"we have to convice her to try" destiny mumbled

"i know"

"we should t-"

another knock was sounded though the silent house

destiny got up and open the door

"couldnt sleep?"

"of cource not! my mother is dying"

she let the tears roll down her face.

"come in"

it was enough room for all three of of! stating we were two thin girls, with one thick one

"did you go out maddie?"

"no why"

"i can smell a different sent on you"

"new body wash! a male kind"

"oh sure"

i didnt believe her for one minute

nicole walked in the room with a hand full of snacks

"i thought you guys will be in here"

"you brought food"

"yeah...not just regular"

"eatables?" destiny perked up

"just for tonight! we all need to forget just for one night how fucked up our lives are"

"its not fair! i swear were cursed we cant never be happy" destiny fires out grabbing a gummy worm

( if you could tell me what chapter this quote is in i'll write a chapter all about you, hint its in book one)

"you said that eight years ago des"

"we have to convice her to fight"

"we will..."

10 mins later

i watched as nicole stared at maddie

"maddie where have you been?"

"no where..why"

"you just smell like someone i know thats all"

"new body wash, for males"



"yes kenzie?"

"you would tell me if you found your mate or if you were seeing someoen right"

"of course"


my scarred mate (book three) (completed)Where stories live. Discover now