27.) nicole

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She tossed and turned in her sleep all night, I could see fangs on her teeth everytime she opened her mouth.where was Nathan? Out hunting for the men that dared to step foot on our land.

"Momma it hurts"

"I know baby it hurt  for me too"

"I want it to stop"

"I wish I knew how baby, but I cant"

It's the growing pains I use to indure when I was little, Braxton was there for me and now I'm here for my babygirl.

Sometimes I don't wanna be here. I don't want this life for me or my girls. Sometimes I wanna run and never look back.

"Mommy I'm sleepy"

"Close your eyes baby,and go to sleep"


I could sense someone , standing over me, I tried so hard to wake myself up but the long nights of crying and not getting sleep wouldn't let me

"Your so beautiful"

My heart beat quickened!

"Nicole hunny  calm down"

I slowly opened my eyes, he looked bad, This wasn't Nathan. This wasn't the man that I knew to be strong

"Our daughter needed you lastnight! She called for you and you were no where around"

"Could you blame me I was out keeping this family safe"

"While I'm stuck here filling in for you once again"

"You wouldn't have been if you didn't take my daughters and run away like the coward you were"

"Low blow Nathan!"

"That's the truth isn't it Nicole"

"You will never let it go would you Nathan! You would never understand what I was going though"

"Your right I won't! You never gave me the chance too! You shutted me out! You lied to me! You took my kids! This would have never happened if you came back"


"DAMMIT! I didn't mean it like that nicole"

"You said what you said! And you meant what you said!"


"DONT! I came back to give my girls a chance to be with there father but once again it was a mistake"

"what's that suppose to mean?"


"I'm going back out see you tonight"

"Who's running away now! What happened to change Nathan! What happened to you loving me! And those kids! What happened to understanding!!"

"IM JUST STRESSED! If you can't understand that than go"

there was a silence between the two lovers, both torn apart by the words of one another, he just wanted to keep his family  safe he was feeling so pressured as alpha and a father he was feeling hurt, while she was feeling scared, she wanted this to go away, she wanted to have her happy ever after

"Be careful what you wish for Nathan"

Nicole walked out of the room , down the steps and out the front door. She needed to shift

'Now Luna?'


So big and so beautiful. She ran and ran until her mind was cleared. She needed this! She needed to be set free without feeling like a prisoners

The young female alpha pause to check her whereabouts, she was heading to far from her territory she had to turn back now . But the snap of a twig caught her hearing.

She acted normal never gave out the impression she could hear the heavy breathing. She mind linked her pack with instant replies she knew they were coming and whoever was on her land wasn't going to get far.

"Come out now!"

SHe stepped out the woods and my body froze

I shifted quickly

"what are you doing here!"

"I don't want to cause problems please help me"

She looked so hurt, she looked at mess!

"Why should I help you summer"

" because...if you don't he's gonna kill everyone in your pack.. even your girls"

my scarred mate (book three) (completed)Where stories live. Discover now